Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-21, 05:55
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
You know what? Phuck it. Canola2 isn't worth the hassle.
Anyone who gets this uptight over a media player ought to take a holiday.
Look - it was clear that Nokia's handling (their fault or...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-21, 02:30
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
And my comeback: For all those of you who didn't download Canola, and didn't waste hours fighting Nokia's broken software distribution system, and got some productive work done, I hate *you*!
Forum: General
2007-12-21, 02:28
Replies: 25
Views: 5,763
Forum: Newbie
2007-12-21, 02:21
Replies: 5
Views: 1,294
Re: RAD tools
If there is a Squeak pimp then there has to be a Python Pimp - PP (tm) - too.
Many of the GUI applications you see people talking about for the IT have Python driven front ends - Canola2 is an...
Forum: News
2007-12-21, 02:12
Replies: 46
Views: 20,640
Re: Canola2 Now Out!
Much has been said about the repo issues; despite having joked that the repos are probably hosted on a refurbished N800 using stolen 802.11b bandwidth from an aging neighbour, I'm more interested in...
Forum: Troubleshooting
2007-12-21, 02:03
Replies: 13
Views: 2,588
Re: Please help me
If you don't know how to use vim (and really, no one would blame you)
Wanna bet? ;-)
I took the bait and climbed the learning curve to learn vim and I've never been able to find an editor that...
Forum: Development
2007-12-21, 01:53
Replies: 7
Views: 1,755
Re: Open External App in Python Window
When asking such a question its best to stick with "What to you want to accomplish; what do you want to happen" and stay away with any notion as to "how".
Can you launch applications from within...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-21, 01:51
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
barbieri - its too bad that some folks have a hard time distinguishing the problem which is wholly Nokia's to resolve (OS/app repository accessibility) from anything else.
Canola2 looks great;...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 23:08
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Forum: Off Topic
2007-12-20, 23:04
Replies: 226
Views: 36,226
Re: How old are you?
46, which puts me in the last and seemingly large bucket. Whats-a-matter with the poll originator - lots of divisions for < 46 but only one for 46 through to death? Come on! ;-)
In keeping with...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 22:51
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
I'm totally lost here. You are saying that these 18 pages of people saying how great this release is doesn't care that their albums does not show the covers?
One person's must have feature is...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 21:33
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 21:03
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
GreySim: - with the updated lms for ogg, no joy still. It appears to install, but rescanning the media fails to pick up any .ogg files.
I shut down C2, rm -rf /home/user/.canola, restarted device...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 20:26
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
GreySim: thanks for the config file info; mplayer I confirm is now being used.
barbieri: Unfortunately I'm getting a failure dialog: "Unable to install ogg-support-lightmediascanner".
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 20:01
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
Its unfortunate that your release came at the very time when Nokia repos are so unusable - bad luck on your part, for which I am sure no (sane) person would blame you.
Good news on mplayer, ogg...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 18:26
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
barbieri - that's fine news. A distribution problem is one I can deal with on my own, and gives hope that this will be sorted out in time. If not for the Nokia/Maemo repository problems at this point...
Forum: Multimedia
2007-12-20, 17:54
Replies: 390
Views: 112,831
Re: The itT Canola2 Beta discussion thread
First impressions: nice interface although not without some nits here and there but over all - very favourable impression. Podcast interface is welcome.
First deficiencies observed:
- Paste a...
Forum: Nokia N810
2007-12-20, 16:38
Replies: 10
Views: 2,597
Re: Software installation issues
There are many references to this issue in threads following the latest 2008 update -- look around.
A start:
Forum: News
2007-12-20, 16:22
Replies: 349
Views: 111,960
Forum: Off Topic
2007-12-20, 16:03
Replies: 41
Views: 8,173
Forum: Applications
2007-12-19, 21:08
Replies: 23
Views: 10,863
Re: What Matters Most
I would hope that a --reliable-- OS and app repository system is top of both users' --and-- nokia's lists.
As I said in the comments of someone's blog, the OS and application repository...
Forum: News
2007-12-19, 15:53
Replies: 349
Views: 111,960
Re: Nokia Releases First Official OS2008 Update
If I saw over 7GB in an afternoon, I can only imagine how badly pounded was?
In theory, should paddle through this easily, as requests (at least http...
Forum: News
2007-12-19, 02:38
Replies: 349
Views: 111,960
Re: Nokia Releases First Official OS2008 Update
Ericj, you'd be better off waiting, if you use any other but the default applications installed.
Otherwise what will happen is you'll have a freshly flashed system and no real ability to reinstall...
Forum: News
2007-12-19, 01:30
Replies: 349
Views: 111,960
Re: Nokia Releases First Official OS2008 Update
Now if only we could mirror the entire repository infrastructure; i.e., all of, as restoring applications from the backup list, or installing new applications in some cases, fails with...
Forum: News
2007-12-18, 21:51
Replies: 349
Views: 111,960
Re: Nokia Releases First Official OS2008 Update
Clearly "global caching" isn't working.
My request gets a service attempt by an Akamai server 37ms away from me; its the connection between Akamai's global content delivery service and *Nokia*...