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Forum: Nokia N900 2010-01-14, 23:00
Replies: 12
Views: 2,171
Posted By jogorman
Re: Thoughts before purchase

Thanks everyone for the replies.

Pandora sounds workable. Bejeweled is about what I expected, but the flash idea sounds pretty interesting and something I would try out. And great news about no...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-01-14, 19:29
Replies: 12
Views: 2,171
Posted By jogorman
Question Thoughts before purchase

Before I order a N900, I just wanted to ask a few questions of the community.

1) I know Pandora radio can be accessed through the normal web page, but is there any other method out or being worked...
Forum: Alternatives 2009-01-11, 22:18
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Applied the latest version, and I have to say it is working like a chap now. Web browser cookie issue is gone, and I have to say that is a big help for me. Thanks!

I was able to boot it up, hop...
Forum: Alternatives 2009-01-03, 01:05
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Wireless is now working for me now that I have the non-debugging kernel enabled.

adb works just fine for me, not sure what that issue is about. Build seems fast to me, if a bit longer to boot. The...
Forum: Alternatives 2009-01-02, 07:54
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

When enabling wireless, and going into WIFI settings, I get a device freeze followed by a shutdown. I grabbed the logcat:

With supplicant

E/bluetooth_common.cpp( 741):...
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-22, 23:30
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Just an update. I am still having issues with cookies not working. I got a chance to hook up logcat while trying to log into various web services. No output is captured. I also tried to disable then...
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-20, 15:17
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Cool upgrade. I am now getting a error that my browser cookie functions are disabled, yet I doubled checked the browser settings and they are turned on. Any ideas?

Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-17, 19:35
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

You need to have the flasher application downloaded onto your linux system, then run that.
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-16, 04:51
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

12-15 Userland & Kernel update.

Seems to be working great. Update to the userland and kernel flash went off with no problems at all. I was able to use the e-mail application to connect to an IMAP...
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-15, 16:06
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Thanks for the replies.

I have the tablet running with the RD kernel in rd-mode

./flasher-3.0 --enable-rd-mode -f -k zImage-nitdroid-n8x0_debug -R

And that stopped the crashing. On a side...
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-15, 05:47
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Just a quick update, ADB shell was able to let me get online in browser just fine. (Amazing how much faster that is the then standard browser.)

Still crashes the same however, and the DNS settings...
Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-15, 03:58
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

That was the only way I knew to partition the file system. Unless I missed something fundamental.

Thanks for the info about the ADB, I will try that tonight and see if that helps.

Forum: Alternatives 2008-12-15, 02:47
Replies: 534
Views: 235,210
Posted By jogorman
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid

Hey all. Just came across this thread today. Looks like you have been up to some really cool stuff.

I did an install on my N810. Running into a problem I did not see anyone report, so I thought I...
Forum: Nokia N810 2007-12-10, 12:46
Replies: 14
Views: 7,835
Posted By jogorman
Re: Google Reader and GMail

Thanks for the replies!

Follow up question - With the big price difference between the N810 and N800, I am very tempted to pick up the N800. Are the sites and services I mentioned pretty usable...
Forum: Nokia N810 2007-12-09, 23:28
Replies: 14
Views: 7,835
Posted By jogorman
Google Reader and GMail

Hi everyone -

I am thinking about buying a N810, and am looking to learn a couple of details on the device from those of you that are using them.

My usage of Internet at home most nights are...
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