Showing results 1 to 25 of 61 @ 0.01 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: insert_nick
Forum: Applications 2007-10-04, 20:52
Replies: 203
Views: 40,398
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Plans for Maemo Mapper v2.0

What about changig ISP? This would be useful also for a wider access to your gpx routing direction service. A related question: is your gpx directions server-side app available under some license?...
Forum: Applications 2007-05-24, 11:44
Replies: 203
Views: 40,398
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Plans for Maemo Mapper v2.0

+1 to this.

Or, if there's some fast way to detect if an image is just a single color one while retrieving it, avoid storing it in the database and store just the corresponding color information....
Forum: General 2007-05-24, 09:35
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

What if I just want IT2007/770 in flash and IT2006 in mmc?
I already have IT2006 in flash and mmc, and bootmenu let me choose what to boot: should I simply flash the device with IT2007/770? Or...
Forum: Applications 2007-05-21, 09:33
Replies: 203
Views: 40,398
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Plans for Maemo Mapper v2.0

Really glad to hear, finally, there's some hope we are getting rid of that filesystem approach for maps. Go, go, do whatever you need to completely remove it and replace with something better:...
Forum: Upgrading 2007-05-15, 14:20
Replies: 2
Views: 3,156
Posted By insert_nick
Searching for Howto: Triple Boot on 770 (ITOS2006 internal/mmc + ITOS2007 H.E.)

Can someone give directions on how to achieve a triple boot on 770?

I have mine already set up with dual boot thanks to fanoush' bootmenu and sebastian's easy instructions, choosing between...
Forum: Games 2007-04-25, 10:10
Replies: 17
Views: 7,073
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800

Happy to know someone's working on Flash games for 770/N880. I think Flash is heavy yes, it's not designed for weak cpus yes, but a good developer can squeeze it, and if the game idea is good and the...
Forum: General 2007-03-24, 15:05
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

Yes, I'm a bit late... I mean that :)

Well, really I don't care too: is there any wiki page providing details on how to achieve your same result, or can you give any directions for us?
Forum: General 2007-03-24, 13:06
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

A new version of OS 2007 / 770 hacker edition has been provided. Do you think it's possible to do something with our working multiboot set in order to have the possibility of trying it without...
Forum: Games 2007-03-10, 19:27
Replies: 17
Views: 7,073
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800

I've found nice javascript games, many of them working on 770, here:
Forum: Troubleshooting 2007-02-28, 18:56
Replies: 2
Views: 1,480
Posted By insert_nick
Re: [770] Problem: launching Python 2.5 console and python scripts

Yes you're right, I've solved uninstalling and reinstalling everything. Thanks
Forum: Troubleshooting 2007-02-21, 11:41
Replies: 2
Views: 1,480
Posted By insert_nick
[solved][770] Problem: launching Python 2.5 console and python scripts

I use a Nokia 770 with ITOS 3.2006.49-2.

I've successfully installed the Python2.5-runtime from the Application manager and the 2.5 development packages from terminal, but I'm not able to load the...
Forum: General 2007-02-20, 21:20
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

Btw sending the backup to another machine (PC) via ssh imho is the way to explore, cause it's sure that at some point the space required for backup could be greater than the available one.
Forum: General 2007-02-20, 16:13
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

In that (already linked above) Ubuntu tutorial, they say:

So it seems it should be possible to backup the system while running it. By the way, I wonder if it's possible (and simpler) to just...
Forum: General 2007-02-20, 15:57
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

Here it is mine for comparison:
I have partitioned my 2GB mmc reserving 1.5 GB for the ext2 part. When I boot from mmc, with some apps installed, I can see in the control panel:

0% used (maybe...
Forum: General 2007-02-20, 00:42
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?


Try booting with flash and make some system change (e.g. screen brightness). Then switch off and reboot with mmc2: you should not have those changes.

right, if you want to...
Forum: General 2007-02-18, 11:54
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

Thanks Sebas for this and the other explanations, using the 770 is all a big tutorial about learning linux (especially when someone finds some time to explain stuff clearly like you do). That alone...
Forum: General 2007-02-17, 00:04
Replies: 3
Views: 5,092
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Backup My Applications on an N800

Maybe you can find useful to follow this thread (, I've just posted a question about this kind of approach for backup:...
Forum: General 2007-02-16, 23:59
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Forum: General 2007-02-16, 23:04
Replies: 97
Views: 26,613
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Do you want to install as many applications as you like?

I've sent an email to Sebastian but now I've realized there is this thread, I was not aware of it. So I'm posting my questions here, and if Sebas will reply in my mail I'll forward it here.

Forum: Games 2007-02-09, 18:02
Replies: 17
Views: 7,073
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800

The Gamoku Team has been so kind to add a zoom feature to their service, in order for us Internet Tablets' users enjoy the Flash games with our big resolution display.

Go to the Gamoku site...
Forum: Games 2007-02-06, 14:58
Replies: 17
Views: 7,073
Posted By insert_nick
Re: Simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800

Thanks, nice resource. The games are not optimized for 770/N800 screen, but they're coded in order to let portable platforms to run them without trouble. The zoom works, but I need to refresh the...
Forum: Games 2007-01-22, 17:45
Replies: 17
Views: 7,073
Posted By insert_nick
Simple method to gain a gaming audience on 770/800

I've just posted the following message on the maemo-developers list. Write here your opinions (positive and negative), maybe they will be taken into account by Tableteer developers. I'm going to open...
Forum: Games 2007-01-18, 10:59
Replies: 75
Views: 42,813
Posted By insert_nick
Re: look at this portable nes emulator: infoNES

I see, thanks for having looked at it

Hurray! Nice to see you're still active on the project. I hope some day to find the time for a web page advertising your n770 emu ports ;)
Forum: OS2006 / Maemo 2 / Mistral - Scirocco - Gregale 2006-12-15, 15:44
Replies: 39
Views: 14,298
Posted By insert_nick
Great tutorial instead! This is really useful,...

Great tutorial instead! This is really useful, thank you from me and all the other non-linux-ready guys here; this is a great example on how to explain stuff.
Forum: Games 2006-11-26, 22:34
Replies: 75
Views: 42,813
Posted By insert_nick
look at this portable nes emulator: infoNES

I've looked around for some alternative to FCEUltra, and maybe it's interesting this nes "portable" emulator: infoNES (

They say:

Showing results 1 to 25 of 61

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