Forum: SailfishOS
2014-06-02, 06:52
Replies: 2,904
Views: 753,525
Forum: Nokia N810
2014-02-21, 12:35
Replies: 7
Views: 32,451
Forum: Nokia N810
2014-02-17, 13:24
Replies: 7
Views: 32,451
Re: High capacity 3030 mAh battery
Just received one today. Ordered from Yet again the order took more than 3 months to arrive. :P
Let's see how it works. I'll report back in a couple of days.
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-12-16, 09:15
Replies: 150
Views: 121,060
Re: Finnish n900 owners thread
Helmikuusta 2010 olen ollut N900:n onnellinen omistaja. Parempaa puhelinta en ole vielä missään nähnyt.
Pystytilan puuttuminen ei ole itteä paljoa haitannut, kun ehti tottua siihen jo N810:ä...
Forum: Games
2010-10-25, 08:40
Replies: 19
Views: 7,764
Forum: Games
2010-08-24, 13:45
Replies: 64
Views: 14,374
Re: GameGripper - A Review.
Wee! Got mine today. Works just awesome.
And it's a bit too narrow like everyone has already pointed, but I don't think it's a problem. It sticks on the keyboard nicely and doesn't come off that...
Forum: Games
2010-08-21, 21:58
Replies: 27
Views: 8,158
Re: [Maemo 5] ASCIIpOrtal
Awesome port!
Although I'm having little problems. I have a different keyboard layout. There's no up and down buttons at all, only behind fn. Can't climb any ladders so I'm stuck in the first level....
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-03-26, 11:36
Replies: 533
Views: 113,658
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-02-24, 10:51
Replies: 50
Views: 25,238
Re: N900 overheating
One hour skype call through wifi, while charging, got my N900 quite warmed up. :P
Forum: Applications
2010-01-27, 19:44
Replies: 39
Views: 16,966
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-02-19, 13:38
Replies: 14
Views: 2,833
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-02-19, 12:00
Replies: 14
Views: 2,833
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-02-17, 11:44
Replies: 7
Views: 2,403
Re: Speaker/Headphone switch?
Ha... Never thought that either. :P
I also had the same idea some time ago. But I too don't have the skill to do even that simple app.
I can make an app that checks the...
Forum: Nokia N810
2009-02-13, 07:15
Replies: 12
Views: 5,970
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-19, 19:01
Replies: 45
Views: 28,222
Re: Apps for NITdroid
I'm still having trouble with the adb.
I did just what the instructions said, and it still doesn't work.
Trying to run sudo ./adb devices but it just doesn't show my NIT...
Should the NIT show...
Forum: General
2008-12-17, 20:14
Replies: 11
Views: 2,769
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-15, 16:26
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid
Man... I hope he would concentrate on the bootmenu more. Really need it. :)
I'm still having problems with my DNS... I have put the setprop net.dns1 into the default.prop, but it still doesn't...
Forum: Games
2008-12-15, 13:00
Replies: 8
Views: 10,367
Re: Fast 3D game: NSpeed for N800/N810
Feels good.
Is there a way to change the keymapping? Config file somewhere maybe?
Like dzahariev said, the minus button is not a very good choice for brake.
There's stuff at...
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-15, 07:21
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-14, 16:25
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid
Solca, could you maybe concentrate on the bootmenu more?
It would really help. It's not very fun to always have to flash the kernel to get Android running and back to Maemo.
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-14, 11:11
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid
I tried the ADB today, and it didn't show my NIT on the list prompted by "adb devices"
Is it possible to use Fanoush' bootmenu to boot either Nitdroid or Maemo?
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-13, 20:47
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Forum: Alternatives
2008-12-13, 17:28
Replies: 534
Views: 235,385
Re: Another Android port: NITdroid
Great job!
Waiting for the bootmenu
My Wifi scans and connects properly, but I can't use the internet at all.
It just says that web page not available.
I can even ping my NITdroid from my...
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-11-07, 10:50
Replies: 113
Views: 30,260
Forum: OS2008 / Maemo 4 / Chinook - Diablo
2008-11-01, 16:07
Replies: 113
Views: 30,260