Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-05-02, 08:13
Replies: 717
Views: 255,389
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-05-02, 08:11
Replies: 717
Views: 255,389
Re: PR1.2 is RELEASED!!
playing with this pr1.2 and noticed that facebook is an account option. didnt find it in the changelog, did anyone else know about this?
also theres a built in search for finding sharing sevices?...
Forum: Competitors
2010-04-29, 00:37
Replies: 103
Views: 63,672
Re: HTC Desire vs N900. First impressions
just got a nexus one for free from my girlfriends mom, she thought i was interested in them so it showed up in the mail haha. i love my n900 as much as the next devoted forum member but i've been...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-04-26, 18:28
Replies: 14
Views: 5,971
Forum: Games
2010-04-22, 09:47
Replies: 52
Views: 30,255
Re: 3D Driving Game for N900?
unity is where its at for game development. im making a racing game with unity now. if the unity plugin worked on the n900 we could open up to another world of gaming.
for racing see...
Forum: Applications
2010-04-22, 06:10
Replies: 15
Views: 2,841
Forum: Accessories
2010-04-22, 06:04
Replies: 154
Views: 38,538
Re: GameGripper for N900
please do blue if you choose colors for buttons. black body matches perfect but red doesnt match the theme of the n900. others are requesting more buttons and that just means more options for all of...
Forum: Games
2010-04-06, 06:51
Replies: 2,578
Views: 775,514
Forum: Off Topic
2010-04-04, 00:39
Replies: 12
Views: 7,357
Forum: Off Topic
2010-04-04, 00:34
Replies: 12
Views: 7,357
Re: Nokia N900 Successor Called Nokia N9?
looking at the button placement on the silhouette image suggests that the lock button/slider might be under the tablet instead of on the right, that looks much more comfortable to unlock for...
Forum: Themes
2010-04-02, 03:00
Replies: 150
Views: 78,715
Re: Request- Fallout Theme
you have to reapply the original fonts and reboot before changing any font again. i saved the originals on my computer and drag them back in with ssh each time.
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2010-04-01, 10:48
Replies: 36
Views: 17,300
Forum: Themes
2010-03-31, 21:05
Replies: 150
Views: 78,715
Re: Request- Fallout Theme
heres a great digital font to match the pipboy look.
heres the font changing info.
pic seems...
Forum: Applications
2010-03-31, 08:30
Replies: 37
Views: 14,212
Re: [Announce] Simple-FMTX-Widget
neither 0.3.0 or 0.5.0 will show up on my desktop or in my widgets menu. they've always worked before but not since my last reflash. looks like a few posts back some others are having this issue also.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-03-30, 02:27
Replies: 5
Views: 2,429
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-03-30, 02:20
Replies: 29
Views: 9,192
Forum: Themes
2010-03-22, 08:08
Replies: 150
Views: 78,715
Re: Request- Fallout Theme
the low res iphone theme backgrounds are the only ones that i know of that look like scanlines.
there is also this psp wallpaper but i couldnt find a way to get it out of the theme and it looks...
Forum: Themes
2010-03-22, 07:02
Replies: 150
Views: 78,715
Forum: Multimedia
2010-03-11, 04:32
Replies: 3
Views: 4,858
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-02-19, 22:20
Replies: 6
Views: 2,086
Re: Bricked N900 ;(
interesting. well try the method where you plug in the usb then insert the battery. my updater froze too but i was advised not to unplug. right before i was about to unplug my n900 the updater gave...
Forum: Nokia N900
2010-02-19, 22:05
Replies: 6
Views: 2,086
Re: Bricked N900 ;(
you need to charge the battery externally and then it will be recognized. this happened to me during the update. if you dont have an external charger some people have luck by keeping the battery out,...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-02-17, 19:59
Replies: 21
Views: 16,713
Re: no os on my n900
trust me, you're describing every symptom i suffered from. took about an hour to find my answer. i was heartbroken and contemplating my nokia call the next morning haha
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-02-17, 19:44
Replies: 21
Views: 16,713
Re: no os on my n900
you have to charge your battery externally, then reflash the n900. your computer should recognize it with full power. this happened to me and i fixed it with this tip from other people whos n900s...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-02-16, 11:44
Replies: 1,455
Views: 507,010
Re: New firmware? Maemo 5 update 3.2?
crap im on 64 and i was about to update it on a 32. it hasnt killed yet but hopefully it will soon. with the screen on its heating up so ill have it in front of a fan all night.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle
2010-02-16, 11:31
Replies: 1,455
Views: 507,010
Re: New firmware? Maemo 5 update 3.2?
using the software updater and the updating barhasnt moved for 40 minutes since the start=( says bad news for me if i disconnect it. time says 1 second remaing. should i pull the plug?