Showing results 1 to 25 of 34 @ 0.01 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: frenchie
Forum: General 2006-07-05, 03:24
Replies: 14
Views: 3,861
Posted By frenchie
I'd be happy if there was support for a BT...

I'd be happy if there was support for a BT keyboard.

But you are right, the Zodiac is an excellent device for games such as Quake :D
Forum: General 2006-07-04, 16:55
Replies: 14
Views: 3,861
Posted By frenchie
Ick, Mame is such a pain. You have dozens of...

Ick, Mame is such a pain. You have dozens of ports and none of them are up to date running the latest version.

Well this has been my experiance on Palm :( but I was just getting tired having to...
Forum: General 2006-07-03, 22:36
Replies: 9
Views: 2,190
Posted By frenchie
Here try this. This will take awhile but it...

Here try this.

This will take awhile but it worked on my Zodiac trying to fix a dead pixel.

I have OCD too and I know how it is to have a dead pixel.

This takes awhile so don't lose...
Forum: Upgrading 2006-07-03, 22:23
Replies: 16
Views: 5,398
Posted By frenchie
Hmm, well all I would like to see is a regular SD...

Hmm, well all I would like to see is a regular SD and/or CF slot.

The device is perfect as-is :)
Forum: General 2006-06-30, 19:21
Replies: 61
Views: 17,212
Posted By frenchie
As I've already done. ;) @the poster...

As I've already done. ;)

@the poster who mentioned freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech becomes much different when you begin reporting something. It's not as simple as people make it out...
Forum: General 2006-06-30, 17:24
Replies: 61
Views: 17,212
Posted By frenchie
True, and yes sometimes sarcasm in reporting is...

True, and yes sometimes sarcasm in reporting is warented. Granted Engadget is nothing like NPR or The New York Times, but please when I read every article I don't enjoy being blasted with sarcasm and...
Forum: General 2006-06-30, 17:19
Replies: 61
Views: 17,212
Posted By frenchie
I know, Just another example why blogs need...

I know,

Just another example why blogs need to be held to some standards especially when blogs like yours are used for public opinion from major news outlets such as CNN. And as such from your...
Forum: OS2006 / Maemo 2 / Mistral - Scirocco - Gregale 2006-06-30, 15:59
Replies: 65
Views: 14,755
Posted By frenchie
Something's up. I wonder what's going on down at...

Something's up. I wonder what's going on down at Nokia's end.
Forum: General 2006-06-30, 15:54
Replies: 61
Views: 17,212
Posted By frenchie
Engadget's bloggers all need to take a class in...

Engadget's bloggers all need to take a class in Journalism. That is the biggest problem I have with them. Unprofessional, slanted, and downright rude.
Forum: General 2006-06-30, 15:22
Replies: 61
Views: 17,212
Posted By frenchie
I was just on the Maemo website and there is...

I was just on the Maemo website and there is still nothing about the full 2006 update.
Forum: Troubleshooting 2006-06-30, 15:10
Replies: 6
Views: 2,093
Posted By frenchie
Better get aircrack :p Has anyone ever...

Better get aircrack :p

Has anyone ever thought of an antenea extension? That would be great if it would work.
Forum: Accessories 2006-06-28, 01:00
Replies: 71
Views: 32,531
Posted By frenchie
Read the news, you can use 2gb rsmmc cards. ...

Read the news, you can use 2gb rsmmc cards.

Also, they probably just put that because when the Nokia 770 came out 1gb cards were the max.
Forum: General 2006-06-25, 18:34
Replies: 15
Views: 5,926
Posted By frenchie
2GB RSMMC cards work in the 770 :-) ...

2GB RSMMC cards work in the 770 :-)
Forum: Accessories 2006-06-23, 22:36
Replies: 71
Views: 32,531
Posted By frenchie
Yippee!!! I found my new toy :-)

Yippee!!! I found my new toy :-)
Forum: Accessories 2006-06-21, 01:28
Replies: 71
Views: 32,531
Posted By frenchie
Thanks, this is one of the biggest things holding...

Thanks, this is one of the biggest things holding me back. I need at LEAST 2gb of storage on the go. The nokia 770 is so close to being my perfect Handheld. Just give me the 2gb RSMMC card!
Forum: Accessories 2006-06-20, 22:00
Replies: 71
Views: 32,531
Posted By frenchie
What version of the OS are you using? Maybe Nokia...

What version of the OS are you using? Maybe Nokia fixed this issue in the 2006 beta.

I really want to get a 770, but I need to be able to copy all of my music onto a RSMMC card. It's a little...
Forum: General 2006-06-20, 21:56
Replies: 8
Views: 2,676
Posted By frenchie
Windows mobile and Palm OS (with third party...

Windows mobile and Palm OS (with third party support) can handle this. Sadly it is utterly slow and is IMHO not worth it.

I hope someone ports a VPN client to the Nokia 770. I could use it to...
Forum: General 2006-06-16, 14:39
Replies: 9
Views: 2,793
Posted By frenchie
An SD or CF slot!

An SD or CF slot!
Forum: General 2006-06-13, 20:49
Replies: 17
Views: 3,772
Posted By frenchie
I honestly don't know why it doesn't work....

I honestly don't know why it doesn't work. Someone may need to create a program like SiruCE (PPC). Shouldn't be too difficult.
Forum: General 2006-06-13, 19:21
Replies: 9
Views: 2,296
Posted By frenchie
You probably work at some government agency ...

You probably work at some government agency

or Samsung's R&D labs :-P
Forum: General 2006-06-13, 13:12
Replies: 9
Views: 2,296
Posted By frenchie
Yes, but it will cost you 4.95 a month :-( ...

Yes, but it will cost you 4.95 a month :-(

It's called Deja PIM. Not a bad suite all in its own (looking from the screenshots), but it will cost you money. I can't find a link to their website.
Forum: General 2006-06-13, 03:26
Replies: 17
Views: 3,772
Posted By frenchie
Ok I have good and bad news. Bad news first - The...

Ok I have good and bad news. Bad news first - The Sirius stream is in fact WMA.

Good news - In the 2006 update Nokia added support for the WMA codec which means we will be able to stream sirius...
Forum: Off Topic 2006-06-12, 14:27
Replies: 6
Views: 2,199
Posted By frenchie
Spam! ...

Forum: Games 2006-06-10, 13:39
Replies: 25
Views: 9,493
Posted By frenchie
Might as well offer another program ;-) ...

Might as well offer another program ;-)

Could someone port Spacetrader?
Forum: General 2006-06-10, 13:32
Replies: 17
Views: 3,772
Posted By frenchie
I honestly don't know. It appears to be a flash...

I honestly don't know. It appears to be a flash heavy application.

For what it's worth, I have a widget for the Yahoo Widget Engine that is able to log into sirius without a browser and stream...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 34

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