Forum: Applications
2008-03-10, 08:27
Replies: 280
Views: 97,910
Re: Maemo Mapper v2.2 for OS2006/OS2007/OS2008
After flashing my device again with new ITOS2008 image available - no problems anymore. I do not have any idea what was wrong. Now everything looks fine - expect one thing - It looks like MM does not...
Forum: Applications
2008-01-25, 06:38
Replies: 280
Views: 97,910
Forum: Applications
2008-01-24, 12:15
Replies: 280
Views: 97,910
Re: Maemo Mapper v2.2 for OS2006/OS2007/OS2008
Is it just me who is trying to use WMS (OGC-specification) with Maemo-Mapper? Or is it just my device that has unexpected behaviours with OS2008?
On my N800 device MM crashes allways, if I do...
Forum: Applications
2008-01-14, 10:44
Replies: 280
Views: 97,910
Re: Maemo Mapper v2.2 for OS2006/OS2007/OS2008
I'm still having problems when trying to add WMS repository. After adding repository MM crashes immediately and MM does not start anymore. This is what I get when trying to start MM:
~ $...
Forum: Applications
2007-12-20, 10:15
Replies: 280
Views: 97,910
Re: Maemo Mapper v2.2 for OS2006/OS2007/OS2008
After upgrading OS2008 Beta => 0S2008 I do not get my WMS-services running on MM. OpenStreetMap and other dowloadable repositories works very well.
After adding following private url to map...
Forum: Applications
2007-08-03, 12:28
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
I think it is a client parameter and not part of WMS-spec as I know. Automatic crops feature is new to me...So if I'll change image width and height parameters from 256x256 to 260x260, 2 pixels will...
Forum: Applications
2007-08-03, 09:40
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
Feature request:
Is it easy to implement and add a "gutter parameter" to Maemo Mapper for use with WMS-repositories? See OpenLayers Gutter Example (
Forum: Applications
2007-07-30, 09:44
Replies: 295
Views: 756,433
Re: Maemo Mapper Repositories
Finnish NLS has also a WMS-service (not public).
See (in finnish only). It is little tricky but possible to create your own cascading WMS server (for example with Mapserver...
Forum: Applications
2007-05-24, 11:15
Replies: 203
Views: 40,402
Re: Plans for Maemo Mapper v2.0
Maemo Mapperi is great because as far as I know it is currenlty the only available native WMS-client for maemo platform. And WMS allows me to serve my own maps quite easily. Plans for db-utilization...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-17, 13:00
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
I would like to know more about those accurate ways to re-project data. The WMS-server I used for testing is under construction and not public currently. It's running on MapServer and...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-04, 09:26
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
I got things to work pretty well with previous parameters, just adding them to epsg file on the client and server side. Of course, server requires some additonal reconfiguration to support it.
Forum: Applications
2007-04-02, 20:24
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
Ok and Thanks!
Maybe I try later on "self made EPSG" on a server side. Just googled:
<54004> +proj=merc +lat_ts=0 +lon_0=0 +k=1.000000 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m no_defs...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-02, 18:13
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
Ok, thanks for clarifying this.
WMS-connetion is now working, but results I did not expect.
This is an example map I get when using OpenLayers client on PC, the figure of...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-02, 10:03
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
I made some "wiresharking" and the query is ok, at least when using BBOX=%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f.
Actually It seems to be something wrong, when I try to save my repository to internal mmc2 memory card...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-02, 05:56
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
Ok, I can try to use EXCEPTIONS=INIMAGE parameters, WMS server returns then error message as an image. Does it matter if I use for exampe png, png24 or jpeg image format? The Server I use is...
Forum: Applications
2007-04-01, 20:26
Replies: 596
Views: 268,594
Re: Maemo Mapper v1.4 for 770/N800
Some promblems when using WMS.
I'm running N800, OS Version is 3.2007.10-7 and MM version is 1.4.4-3 (downloaded from garage). Flite is version 1.3 and proj 4.4.9-3.
Maemo Mapper is running ok...
Forum: Applications
2006-05-27, 16:17
Replies: 155
Views: 38,170
Forum: Applications
2006-05-18, 05:45
Replies: 267
Views: 126,291
It would be nice to have Web Map Service client...
It would be nice to have Web Map Service client on nokia 770. Is it too difficult to implement it part of maemo-mapper? Specification can be found on OGC's website (