Forum: SailfishOS
2015-04-06, 14:04
Replies: 5
Views: 11,001
Forum: Jolla1 & TOH
2014-10-24, 17:01
Replies: 349
Views: 112,889
Re: Jolla discount codes
Your unique Jolla Gift Voucher is: PJ-5G-UU
Treat your family and friends with this Jolla Gift Voucher, which they can redeem at Jolla Online Shop. And yes, you can use the code more than once...
Forum: Buy & Sell
2014-10-24, 16:59
Replies: 17
Views: 9,473
Re: Jolla for sale 250EUR + post
I can share my Voucher for reducing the price for a new one by -100€,
but only some days left!
Treat a friend to a 100 € Jolla Gift Voucher, it's on us!
The holiday season is just around the...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-05-22, 07:30
Replies: 5
Views: 9,010
Forum: The Other Half
2014-04-30, 16:26
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-04-19, 08:11
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-04-16, 15:31
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-04-15, 16:44
Replies: 5
Views: 11,001
Re: VPNC Trunk (working with FritzBox) on Jolla
Great to hear that it is working for you!
The first part is enough to "reach" the remote network.
But if one would want to do more like using DNS from the remote network or forward traffic...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-22, 22:51
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-22, 18:33
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-21, 23:36
Replies: 5
Views: 9,010
Re: SailfishOS RDP Server Plugin for QT Apps
thank you very much for your quick answer. yes I read about the license problem, and as qt is completely new for me it is vefy difficult to find workarounds.
so if I underdtand, I would have to...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-03-21, 20:05
Replies: 287
Views: 140,042
Re: Sailfish SDK Alpha 1312 Qt5 released
Oh great, that is something that is a problem for me, too, may I jump in?
I wanted to use a QT-Plugin on the phone but have a similar problem, that qt-libs conflict with libhybris, don't know why...
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-21, 16:19
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-21, 11:28
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-21, 10:57
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-20, 17:31
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: The Other Half
2014-03-15, 23:27
Replies: 801
Views: 391,129
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-29, 07:37
Replies: 31
Views: 10,202
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-17, 23:31
Replies: 5
Views: 11,001
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-16, 06:56
Replies: 5
Views: 9,010
Re: SailfishOS RDP Server Plugin for QT Apps
Update 2014-01-15
I succesfully compiled FreeRDP + qfreerdp on the SailfishOS SDK VM for armv7hl
Next step:
Now is the question how to get the missing QT-Libs onto the phone...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-13, 17:33
Replies: 5
Views: 9,010
Re: SailfishOS RDP Server Plugin for QT Apps
Developer Infos
I will try to write some information so if someone wants to try to build for arm.
pkcon install zypper
zypper install cmake gcc gcc-c++
pkcon install qtchooser
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-10, 23:19
Replies: 5
Views: 9,010
SailfishOS RDP Server Plugin for QT Apps
Soooo my first day with the SailfishOS SDK + Emulator ... tried something funny what mabye can be integrated + advanced in future.
Access your QT-App remotly with RDP
Simply add this plugin to...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-10, 11:48
Replies: 9
Views: 2,485
Re: Firefox
I used the one from here:
It even shows an Update-Icon on the Lock-Screen.
But even using the internal Update-Function in the Settings (Settings...
Forum: SailfishOS
2014-01-10, 07:47
Replies: 5
Views: 11,001
VPNC Trunk (working with FritzBox) on Jolla
As title tells, this is a newer fixed version of "vpnc" that works my FritzBox 7490 VPN.
Jolla provides already an old version, but that still doesn't have the needed fixes like this one: