Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.02 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: go1dfish
Forum: General 2011-03-27, 22:23
Replies: 105
Views: 28,794
Posted By go1dfish
Re: AT&T just bought T Mobile USA for 36 billion ! what do you think it means to us that use tmo??

They won't have to bother, they are killing the 3g frequencies that the n900/t-mobile use and re-purposing it for their 4g rollout.

There will be no 3g for n900's in the US if the deal goes...
Forum: General 2011-03-21, 17:36
Replies: 1
Views: 2,139
Posted By go1dfish
AT&T Plans to kill TMO 3G frequencies, all devices must be replaced;_ylt=AiNSo34rL2BoSjCgNRgmJWJH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTNmb2NkNjhiBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMTEwMzIxL3VzX2F0X3RfdF9tb2JpbGVfdXNhX3Bob25lcwRjY29kZ...
Forum: Development 2011-03-18, 08:04
Replies: 333
Views: 133,814
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Compiling custom kernels for P1.1 (with fiasco-gen)

Would it be possible for a future build of the power kernel to include the snd_usb_audio module/drivers?

With USB host mode support I'd like to have a go at getting an external mic working with...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2010-10-28, 15:42
Replies: 79
Views: 52,273
Posted By go1dfish
Re: MeeGo 1.1 for n900 seems to have been released

Any flashplugin in this release? or other goodies in this release that might be interesting to try backporting?
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-10-28, 15:39
Replies: 151
Views: 82,093
Posted By go1dfish
Re: 5 things in PR 1.4 that would make N900 the best phone up to date.

HTML5 Audio/Video support.

Especially in the absence of flash 10.1
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-10-26, 15:57
Replies: 2,355
Views: 1,221,294
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Adobe Flash Player 10: When will the update arrive? Is it coming at all?

Flash 10 would be nice, but I was really hoping we'd see some HTML5 Audio/Video in PR1.3

Unfortunately it's still missing in both MicroB and QWebKit.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-10-26, 15:44
Replies: 148
Views: 45,538
Posted By go1dfish
Re: PR1.3: users, was it worth the wait?

I wasn't expecting flash ( can never tell with adobe involved ) but I am rather disappointed that this release didn't receive any HTML5 Audio/Video love.

As far as I can tell both the gecko based...
Forum: Games 2010-10-26, 15:17
Replies: 745
Views: 379,212
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Palm Pre gets SDL! native gaming

Anyone want to resell some Pre games under first sale doctrine?

Will the pre store allow you to purchase the same app multiple times?
Forum: Themes 2010-07-23, 22:53
Replies: 13
Views: 11,754
Posted By go1dfish
Re: [Release] Okuda/LCARS sounds

Really dig it, but would like to make a suggestion:

The battery warning was not obvious to me when I was half asleep last night, leaving me with a dead phone in the morning. In retrospect, I'm...
Forum: Themes 2010-07-23, 22:50
Replies: 97
Views: 144,167
Posted By go1dfish
Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Yeah, not to mention it's only visible for a few seconds. But I needed 2 items to make a list ;)

I would like to add a vote of confidence for the blue border on the theme background, it's a nice...
Forum: Games 2010-07-23, 22:37
Replies: 2
Views: 2,035
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Street Rod 2

Well I tried out the dos version last night, and it ran, but was kinda choppy, could probably get it working with tweaking.

What made it essentially unplayable was the way mouse events were...
Forum: Games 2010-07-23, 06:07
Replies: 2
Views: 2,035
Posted By go1dfish
Street Rod 2

Street Rod 2 is a great old racing/car tuning game. I noticed some were able to get SR 1 running in DOSbox, but was wondering if anyone has had success with #2.

Also wondering if anyone has tried...
Forum: Themes 2010-07-23, 05:45
Replies: 97
Views: 144,167
Posted By go1dfish
Re: [Release] Okuda theme (N900)

Really enjoying this theme. Here are some issues I've noticed:

Selected tab contrast on QT apps is hard to read, the tab is white, and text stays cyan
the X Icon that shows when you hit the...
Forum: Applications 2010-07-18, 19:33
Replies: 1,480
Views: 486,973
Posted By go1dfish
Re: [Announce] Opera Mobile 10

Agreed, are there any plans for HTML5 Video/Audio support in Opera Mobile for Maemo?

As far as I know, none of the n900 browsers support any kind of html5 audio or video tags right now.

Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-05-02, 20:40
Replies: 1,005
Views: 296,352
Posted By go1dfish
Re: What works better in the PR1.2

No prob, I've been running plain on pr1.1 with these enabled since it came out without any noticeable issues. So should be pretty safe to leave on.

Certainly safer than overclocking anyway :)
Forum: Alternatives 2010-05-02, 20:17
Replies: 57
Views: 49,002
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Android on iPhone Happened.. Android on N900?

Wouldn't a virtualized android or just enough of dalvik on maemo be a better alternative though? Think like debian-chroot. I think this would be a much better overall experience.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-05-02, 20:12
Replies: 1,005
Views: 296,352
Posted By go1dfish
Re: What works better in the PR1.2

To those who have PR1.2 installed and are claiming microb speedups:

Go to: about:config in microb, search for jit

Are the chrome/content jit options set to true on your device? (They aren't on...
Forum: Community 2010-02-18, 01:58
Replies: 10
Views: 3,304
Posted By go1dfish
Re: What are these rpm vs. deb threads going to achieve??

They might have an effect if:

Nokia was not aware of the potential downsides/backlash from the RPM switch.


Nokia reads the threads and is made aware of the discontent, particularly from...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2010-02-18, 01:38
Replies: 22
Views: 11,011
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Why RPM and not DEB?

I'm curious about this as well. It was the biggest/only disappointment I had regarding the MeeGo announcement.
Forum: Off Topic 2010-01-25, 19:13
Replies: 10
Views: 9,692
Posted By go1dfish
Re: A truly Awesome keyboard for Hackers - 2010?

Nice, I've always liked the eraser nubs, mouch better than laptop touchpads.

Id really like to see the daskeyboard add an eraserhead eventually. they have one of the most...
Forum: Development 2010-01-25, 04:20
Replies: 24
Views: 10,342
Posted By go1dfish
Re: how to make money in ovi store?

Or you know, just don't treat your customers like criminals and sell them unencumbered non-restricted content to begin with.

All of these are already possible without the Ovi store, except...
Forum: Development 2010-01-25, 04:11
Replies: 80
Views: 24,955
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Nokia Web Runtime developer questions

I think he's referring to the fact that developers will likely reuse one of a few different existing javascript toolkits, and that disk/memory overhead could be reduced if you had the option to use a...
Forum: Development 2010-01-25, 02:53
Replies: 80
Views: 24,955
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Nokia Web Runtime developer questions

Are there any plans for DSP accelerated HTML5 video tag support in Web Runtime? Because that would be really sweet and a *much* better alternative to flash from a performance/overhead perspective.
Forum: Brainstorm 2010-01-22, 22:09
Replies: 125
Views: 72,948
Posted By go1dfish
Re: [Under consideration] Call recording for N900

Thanks for this mod, the code doesn't look bad either.

FLAC format opens up much more options for this as a general recorder (the mic is pretty decent).

I will attempt to use this to record a...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-01-22, 01:18
Replies: 23
Views: 7,078
Posted By go1dfish
Re: Heart Attack: N900 Drops again !!

One of my favorites.

Also: Cool Story Bro

I haven't had any worrying drops with my n900 yet. Which is good, because I don't use any sort of screen protection or rubberized case.

But I do...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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