Showing results 1 to 25 of 74 @ 0.01 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: Inacurate
Forum: Multimedia 2011-04-22, 00:42
Replies: 34
Views: 15,035
Posted By Inacurate
Re: [Announce] quicklyrics-0.1: A quick-widget for lyric display (for now someplayer only)

As soon as this hits a rep, I'm all in! I been waiting to hear about another lyric application since TW just up and left us all with no words to sing!

Great work. People like you, I hope are...
Forum: General 2010-11-03, 23:11
Replies: 300
Views: 90,694
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Nokia vs. Apple Patent Lawsuits and Countersuits

So if the judge in question doesn't side with the findings and evidence, what would *that* say about this whole scenario? :)

I still find it funny when I read people criticizing Nokia for...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-10-26, 03:57
Replies: 148
Views: 45,539
Posted By Inacurate
Re: PR1.3: users, was it worth the wait?

OMG Thank you dude. That is exactly how I feel.

I did my research first too and have zero buyer's remorse with this phone. While it may not be as "intuitive" as other options out there, I run...
Forum: Applications 2010-09-07, 23:35
Replies: 568
Views: 230,423
Posted By Inacurate
Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

Also having the same problem as mentioned above.

Start application, from menu or shortcut on home screen.
It appears to load, but I get dumped back to home screen.
No obvious error messages. ...
Forum: Brainstorm 2010-09-06, 09:22
Replies: 100
Views: 52,248
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Swype for Symbian why not Maemo/MeeGo

Nah sayers. :)

Why can't we have both? There is no logical reason to not have both, there really isn't. It's no different than people wanting a portrait VKB or portrait mode at all. We already...
Forum: Brainstorm 2010-09-06, 08:30
Replies: 100
Views: 52,248
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Swype for Symbian why not Maemo/MeeGo

Always better to have more options! :) I'll still use the keyboard 90% of the time, but if Swype worked efficiently enough, I could start using it less personally.
Forum: Brainstorm 2010-09-06, 08:17
Replies: 100
Views: 52,248
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Swype for Symbian why not Maemo/MeeGo

I'm good with being patient and of the opinion that when MeeGo lands, the application written will also work in Maemo 5.

That being said, someone could get an early head start and code one NOW for...
Forum: General 2010-08-23, 13:18
Replies: 168
Views: 37,327
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Brainwashed by FUD

There is a reason the buttons in iOS are so big....

*waves at Texrat* :D:D:D
Forum: General 2010-08-07, 01:33
Replies: 252
Views: 59,421
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

I think we have all had some very interesting, thought provoking conversations on Twitter.

The 140 character limit is just awful, or so the mass users like to say loudly. I think, being limited...
Forum: Applications 2010-08-06, 23:30
Replies: 6
Views: 4,174
Posted By Inacurate
Re: N900 Contact Ringtones..

...BUT! You can also do things with it that most mobile device manufacturers haven't even dreamed of yet! I mean look at all the apps that the iPhone needs to do even the most basic of things we...
Forum: General 2010-08-05, 21:35
Replies: 252
Views: 59,421
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

There is my name, removed again. :(

Going to go cry myself to sleep with just my N900 to console me.
Forum: General 2010-08-05, 21:33
Replies: 252
Views: 59,421
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Nokia exec Niklas Savander welcomes your questions on Twitter

And I find it hard to believe so many people are mesmerized by Apple and their laughable mobile phone, because they refuse to do their own research and figure out what's best for THEM!
Forum: Applications 2010-07-31, 17:31
Replies: 568
Views: 230,423
Posted By Inacurate
Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

It would be like having a work setup and a home setup that defaults to defined directories based on connection! And yes, for that automatic syncing that I just know one day you are going to make a...
Forum: Applications 2010-07-31, 00:00
Replies: 568
Views: 230,423
Posted By Inacurate
Re: [Announce] DropN900 - the maemo 5 DropBox client

I've installed this, still haven't used it yet since I'm installing a clean OS on all my PCs, but a question.

Is there functionality for DropBox to sync ONLY when on Wifi; and/or on start of Wifi...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-07-27, 22:59
Replies: 10
Views: 5,435
Posted By Inacurate
Re: sync folders between PC and N900

I came in here to post the same exact thing.

How do you like DropN900? I have it installed, not ran it once yet though, was going to look for some feedback first.
Forum: General 2010-07-16, 00:14
Replies: 300
Views: 90,694
Posted By Inacurate
Forum: Games 2010-07-07, 14:53
Replies: 72
Views: 19,216
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Ovi Store- Tower bloxx 3d Delux demo

I had it installed, but had not set a custom agent. Went in to double check and it was default "Maemo Browser" saying I had no custom agent - Spun my wheels for another hour or two before resetting...
Forum: Games 2010-07-06, 22:09
Replies: 72
Views: 19,216
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Ovi Store- Tower bloxx 3d Delux demo

I wanted to give this a try, but when I visited the Ovi Store on my N900 (running PR1.2) it told me I have to update the device and to head to the Application Manager.

Kinda irked, since I knew...
Forum: General 2010-06-29, 23:30
Replies: 6
Views: 4,117
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Is this really the n9?

I would think it is a C series, since it has a big C on the front of the device. Also heard talk that it is in the N line, but that talk is basing off the looks, not what is printed ON the device.
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-06-29, 05:28
Replies: 21
Views: 11,815
Posted By Inacurate
Re: MfE Problem: "Exchange Account Disabled: Access Refused"

Not that I am aware. I also continue to have the same issue on my end and my company has gone from 2000 to 2003 and is now at 2007 for another two weeks before making the final leap to 2010.

Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-06-18, 14:38
Replies: 10
Views: 5,435
Posted By Inacurate
Re: sync folders between PC and N900

Not that I have seen. You can loginto and downloading the files manually or you can use and setup a dropbox path to sync to your dropbox account.

But no nifty...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-06-18, 14:30
Replies: 17
Views: 6,170
Posted By Inacurate
Re: alarm did not ring today

That would explain a few things.

My alarm also didn't go off this morning, in fact neither did my $5 alarm clocks, talk about bad timing!

It has happened before, with my N900, and I knew it had...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-06-11, 14:43
Replies: 77
Views: 28,510
Posted By Inacurate
Re: GMail Now defaults to mobile on MicroB

That's like trying to use the Gmail "widget" for iGoogle -

How to Mark as Read and Archive 10 E-mails already labeled:

1. Select the 10 e-mails.
2. Mark as Read.
3. Relselect same 10...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2010-06-11, 14:11
Replies: 77
Views: 28,510
Posted By Inacurate
Re: GMail Now defaults to mobile on MicroB

I am also sent to the standard HTML view, not my normal PC configured view with Labs enabled, etc.

Very annoying. If FF worked better, I'd use that, but that still leaves Google at fault here...
Forum: Nokia N900 2010-06-11, 13:41
Replies: 35
Views: 8,045
Posted By Inacurate
Re: Battery Issues on 1.2

Remove this from your Desktop. I did that yesterday, after having the same exact battery issues and the N900 lasted the day with my normal use.

Everyone coming in here saying you have better...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 74

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