Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.02 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: demolition
Forum: Ubuntu 2013-02-26, 01:17
Replies: 21
Views: 19,844
Posted By demolition
Re: Ubuntu mobile architecture

Probably prudent to use Android drivers etc. to get up and running on as many devices as possible and wedge a place in the minds of OEMs within handheld market. Just have to hope, for Ubuntu's own...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2013-02-26, 00:35
Replies: 2,355
Views: 1,221,430
Posted By demolition
Re: Adobe Flash Player 10: When will the update arrive? Is it coming at all?

It's offering you this version to download, isn't it? Nothing to do with what's installed.

So the hex edit worked.

Had mostly good results with this v10-1-99 hexed to 12. Sometimes I find...
Forum: Competitors 2013-02-05, 00:39
Replies: 26
Views: 13,156
Posted By demolition
Re: Blackberry Z10 BB10 on Sale

Wandered into a Carhphone Warehouse this evening. They're on display, so assume they're on sale? See if you can buy one out right (no contract) - I'm sure it's possible to get it shipped worldwide...
Forum: Nokia N900 2013-02-05, 00:18
Replies: 18
Views: 7,021
Posted By demolition
Re: Strange USB issue.

Mmm. Just trying to narrow this down...
There are 3 hardware parts - N900, cable and PC. Assuming you've tried a few cables, that's not the problem. Both Windows and 'n*x OSs say there's a problem,...
Forum: Nokia N900 2013-02-04, 16:26
Replies: 18
Views: 7,021
Posted By demolition
Re: Strange USB issue.

So it seems that the phone thinks you're plugged in to the PC, and what is the output from
ls /home/user/MyDocs
when plugged in?

What messages display if you select mass storage?

OK, so...
Forum: Community 2013-02-04, 01:43
Replies: 595
Views: 228,378
Posted By demolition
Re: How many of you still use N900 as main phone?

It's not perfect but I really like it - yup, N900 is my main phone. Use a battered N70 as a backup or holiday phone.
Forum: Nokia N900 2013-02-04, 01:35
Replies: 18
Views: 7,021
Posted By demolition
Re: Strange USB issue.

Few thoughts to help identify problem...
- What messages appear on the phone, when you plug it in?
- Which Windows is your PC using, is the problem the same with other versions, or has the OS had...
Forum: Development 2012-12-20, 13:21
Replies: 65
Views: 27,497
Posted By demolition
Re: I'm learning with Qt and I have a question

Thanks for the helpful comments.

Not sure what I've done wrong. Below is a screen shot of the Tools > Options > Build & Run menu.

Everything appears to be in order, looking through the...
Forum: Development 2012-12-19, 23:10
Replies: 65
Views: 27,497
Posted By demolition
Re: I'm learning with Qt and I have a question

Yeah, I'm having a little trouble with the Fremantle toolchain, too.

I've just installed Nokia Qt SDK 1.2 on Debian Wheezy and have one main thing preventing completion of the setup: I cannot get...
Forum: Applications 2012-12-12, 14:30
Replies: 83
Views: 42,350
Posted By demolition
Re: [Announce] User Agent Tool - change Maemo Browser's user agent

Pretty much a repeat of Vetsin's comment but I did "dpkg --purge", to remove it completely first.
/home/user # dpkg -l | grep useragent
/home/user # dpkg -i useragenttool_1.1.0_armel.deb
Forum: Development 2012-12-11, 13:56
Replies: 5
Views: 3,067
Posted By demolition
Re: N9x0 development using Debian-Wheezy PC

At last, it's installed! I managed to install the SDK by creating a 5GB folder with dd, then mounting the new folder on to /tmp.

To install the Maemo 5 toolchain, I used the package manager from...
Forum: General 2012-12-10, 22:20
Replies: 12
Views: 2,680
Posted By demolition
Re: I need your help please

Yeah - as Dave says,
- the battery could be nearly gone - so power intermittent.
- what version of the firmware did you use to reflash? It should be PR-1.3 or something like 2010.36 i.e. week 36,...
Forum: General 2012-12-10, 22:09
Replies: 12
Views: 2,680
Posted By demolition
Re: I need your help please

Suggest you flash the eMMC and the FIASCO images (in that order). If that's what you did to start with, maybe something went wrong in the process (so you need to try again)?
Flashing just the FIASCO...
Forum: General 2012-12-09, 13:55
Replies: 31
Views: 17,449
Posted By demolition
Re: Nokia N900 problem - Hash sum mismatch

If you've just reflashed you device, I would suggest doing so again. It might be a bit tricky to do anything with the normal app-man because rootsh is needed, and to install rootsh would probably...
Forum: Maemo 5 / Fremantle 2012-12-05, 23:57
Replies: 1,403
Views: 713,953
Posted By demolition
Re: [HOWTO]Watch 720p videos on n900 [09.12.2011 VIDEOCALL WORKS]

I, for one, am very grateful for these items. Thank you. They allow files typical, of the one below, to play pretty well. I rarely OC but I am running KP51 with SR enabled.

Combined: MP4, 800kbps,...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-12-01, 11:17
Replies: 13
Views: 3,477
Posted By demolition
Re: n900 bluetooth problems

OK. so, next step is to ensure the partner devices are working. Do you have another phone or something that claims it can see your N900? It's much eaier trying to pair something else with a screen...
Forum: Applications 2012-11-28, 23:02
Replies: 12
Views: 11,296
Posted By demolition
Re: Does anyone try to make a Line app for maemo 5?

SMS is included in most telco bundles and it's reasonably effective. Unless you need to do a lot of international texting, is there really a need for an IP-based replacement of SMS?

Maybe I'm...
Forum: Development 2012-11-23, 00:19
Replies: 5
Views: 3,067
Posted By demolition
Re: N9x0 development using Debian-Wheezy PC

I need to reduce the impact this monster has on my 400MB /tmp. partition.

How can a tmp-directory be specified for a binary file, on the point of executing?

Is there something I can do...
Forum: Development 2012-11-23, 00:00
Replies: 2
Views: 2,238
Posted By demolition
Re: How to setup QTCreator for Harmattan

Is the QtC you have from the qt-project site, a repository or part of Nokia-Qt-SDK?

I got a post back on the qt-prject (digia) forums earlier today, saying Nokia products were no longer...
Forum: General 2012-11-22, 23:33
Replies: 4
Views: 9,767
Posted By demolition
Re: i wanna update my N900 with latest OS available, help

The N900 and Fremantle (Maemo 5) are synonymous with each other - there is no better device for Fremantle and no better operating system for the N900. Although there are some irregularities with the...
Forum: Community 2012-11-22, 14:32
Replies: 184
Views: 77,887
Posted By demolition
Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

Thank you. I just wondered whether they were all related problems and whether there'd been any mention of a resolution - I wasn't sure if the problems relating to garage and devel were one in the...
Forum: Community 2012-11-22, 13:10
Replies: 184
Views: 77,887
Posted By demolition
Re: [Council] Ask the Council!

There might be a better place to ask this - if so, please direct.

What's up with the repositories?

- According to the package page (and repository pages), the most recent addition was made on...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-11-22, 10:08
Replies: 241
Views: 129,334
Posted By demolition
Re: Announce: USB Mode (easy switch to USB host mode)

Well, various people have tried to upload packages but the most recent time/date, that items actually made it, was just before 6pm GMT, 6th-Nov-2012. See the right-hand-side of the package page...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-11-21, 22:17
Replies: 2
Views: 2,043
Posted By demolition
Re: Facebook App

Just want to get this straight - please confirm...
- you have or had the facebook client installed? (which)
- if ever uninstalled, when and when did you try to reinstall?
- are there any other...
Forum: Nokia N900 2012-11-21, 20:47
Replies: 241
Views: 129,334
Posted By demolition
Re: Announce: USB Mode (easy switch to USB host mode)

I was going to say: we all look forward to trying out the new version but it looks like the repos are stuck - and seem to have been since 6th November.
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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