Forum: Nokia N900
2011-09-15, 07:41
Replies: 175
Views: 111,938
Re: memory corrupted
The Maximum size card the N900 accepts is 16GB
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-08-24, 16:31
Replies: 17
Views: 9,367
Forum: Applications
2011-06-29, 21:56
Replies: 306
Views: 112,565
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tv Player for Nokia N900
Hi Demludi,
Thank you for such a swift reply.
I found the answer be reading back in the thread.
Uninstall the current version completely then go to the first post on the first page of this...
Forum: Applications
2011-06-29, 21:16
Replies: 306
Views: 112,565
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tv Player for Nokia N900
How do I get the update?
Do I download the new version or will it update automatically through the updater?
I guess after this update is installed my questions will be irrelevant :@)
Forum: Applications
2011-06-29, 13:25
Replies: 17
Views: 7,734
Re: (REQUEST) Hide My IP
Did anyone find an easy way that worked to either hide your IP or to get a UK IP address for watching the various UK IPlayers?
I have found a couple as below but none as good as IPlayer.
Forum: Applications
2011-06-29, 12:50
Replies: 306
Views: 112,565
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tv Player for Nokia N900
Thank You.
Coffe Sent ;)
Any plans for more channels?
BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 are all free to air. Also BBC and ITV already have Iplayers available on the internet, would...
Forum: Applications
2011-06-28, 20:47
Replies: 306
Views: 112,565
Re: [ANNOUNCE] Tv Player for Nokia N900
Where can I download the latest version and is there an instruction page?
Also is this UK only like so many others which check your IP address/
thanks a Million
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-05-14, 08:06
Replies: 243
Views: 168,773