Forum: Buy & Sell
2011-09-05, 18:47
Replies: 58
Views: 19,521
Forum: Buy & Sell
2011-08-30, 11:06
Replies: 58
Views: 19,521
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-07-16, 09:33
Replies: 33
Views: 10,072
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-07-12, 10:08
Replies: 33
Views: 10,072
Forum: Nokia N900
2011-07-12, 09:54
Replies: 33
Views: 10,072
bye bye my sweet sweet N900
ive given in, and went to the dark side. just wanted to say thanks to all the members of the community for their dedication, as i would have left a long time ago without it. got myself an HTC...
Forum: Alternatives
2011-07-03, 18:44
Replies: 76
Views: 24,529
Re: What next for N900 users?
Motorola are launching a quad core android phone with a qwerty key pad at the beginning of next year. there are calling it the jet. thats the only phone i can see that will be able to live up to my...
Forum: Community
2011-06-29, 21:38
Replies: 31
Views: 9,523
Forum: Community
2011-06-29, 20:33
Replies: 31
Views: 9,523
Re: why should i stay
by the way. This is the only community i have been part of and its brilliant how much work and effort gets but into it. Im not trying to annoy anyone and the apps ive downloaded in the past have been...
Forum: Community
2011-06-29, 20:27
Replies: 31
Views: 9,523
Re: why should i stay
ive been a member for a yeah and a half with a different username.
i check the news feeds and the forum every day.
its comments like that, and people like you that have prevented me from posting...
Forum: Community
2011-06-29, 20:24
Replies: 31
Views: 9,523
Re: why should i stay
i did read about that, and since i'm not upgrading for a while that is certainly something to think about. thanks
Forum: Community
2011-06-29, 16:56
Replies: 31
Views: 9,523
why should i stay?
some1 please tell me some reasons why i should upgrade to the N9.
im almost sure im moving to an android phone. ive always loved nokia with every bone in my body. but when there is so little to...