Showing results 1 to 5 of 5 @ 0.05 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: Icarus(minus)mad
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan 2011-09-29, 06:19
Replies: 201
Views: 76,583
Posted By Icarus(minus)mad
Re: Tizen?

Its all happening again
why should it be happening again
i've used my n900 for years and it was always meego/maemo6 which would be great
but this is too much
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-07-05, 05:44
Replies: 10,476
Views: 2,718,450
Posted By Icarus(minus)mad
Re: N9: It's finally here

They multitask well in their own ways, WP7 and WebOS probably have the best out of them but still not as well as the N900.
The N9 has what the N900 was missing for even better multitasking, lots of...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-07-05, 05:28
Replies: 114
Views: 40,273
Posted By Icarus(minus)mad
Re: Why I am getting a Nokia N9 (are you?)

I'm getting one because I it looks like it has everything I need and my N900 isn't going to magically disappear if I get one so I can have the best of both worlds.
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950 2011-07-05, 04:49
Replies: 10,476
Views: 2,718,450
Posted By Icarus(minus)mad
Re: N9: It's finally here

I'm getting one.
GPU is bit outdated but the rest of the phone is solid.
I'll be keeping my N900 around as well, probably doing mostly everything apart from web browsing and the actual phoning...
Forum: General 2011-07-05, 04:46
Replies: 2,070
Views: 746,391
Posted By Icarus(minus)mad
Re: New members say hello !

Hello, all.
I'll make this brief.
I love my N900, best phone and computer ever.
I'm on my second one after the USB port fell out of my first one, it was under warranty so no problem there.

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