Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-04-24, 11:22
Replies: 2
Views: 2,506
Re: security code change - keyboard missing
Did not know I escape so fast, but when trying to connect N9 to my computer, it got a resent when plugging the USB cable and then got the keyboard when prompted to change the code... hence small bu...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-04-24, 11:15
Replies: 2
Views: 2,506
security code change - keyboard missing
This looks like a nasty one. Just got promted to change the security code, BUT the keyboard in not visible, so now way to change it! Even worst, the phone does not want to turn off, perhaps as a...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-02-02, 22:03
Replies: 2
Views: 3,231
Re: Latest Nokia Suite?
Thanks for googling on my behalf :D. The installer worked. I have to say I was not (and still I am not) that faithful future versions of Nokia Suite would support N9. I experienced times when Nokia...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-02-02, 20:30
Replies: 2
Views: 3,231
Latest Nokia Suite?
What is the latest Nokia suite you are using? I had Nokia suite 3.8.29beta and due to a computer change I need to install a fresh version. But I do not know what is the latest and from where...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-24, 11:42
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
Re: N9 Battery drain
Thanks for the clarification, did the cold flash and things are back on track...except that it seems the image I used was intended for Vietnam or something like this. I have changed all the language...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-22, 21:46
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
Re: N9 Battery drain
Can you please give me the full command for cold flash? Is
>flasher -c -F image.bin ?
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-22, 14:34
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
Re: N9 Battery drain
some update no this... just took the N9 from a Nokia Care here in Espoo, they could not flash it either, but on the other hand they confirm that battery and screen are OK.
Any hints how I could...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-10, 16:51
Replies: 1,580
Views: 1,095,526
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-10, 12:15
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
Re: N9 Battery drain
I might have a bigger problem now... Started the flashig procedure, which is fact was intended to charge the battery only. BUT, to my surprise, the flasher mentioned 100% battery level and continued...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-10, 11:11
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
Re: N9 Battery drain
Indeed, I have seen that one. Well, despite the "risk" that you play with a flasher, issue is I need a firmware, even that I would not use it in the end. This brought me to searching the correct...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2015-01-10, 10:16
Replies: 13
Views: 6,470
N9 Battery drain
My N9 just went dead, it seems a battery drain. I have just changed to a new battery just a month ago, so I expect no problems from the battery as such. But it seems a nasty issue to charge N9...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2012-01-28, 19:18
Replies: 56
Views: 31,843
Re: Nokia Suite 3.3.86
update: found the 3.2.100 here ( Maybe one tip is to do this instalation disconected from the net as the...
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2012-01-28, 17:59
Replies: 56
Views: 31,843
Re: Nokia Suite 3.3.86
Does anyone know where I can find version 3.2.100? I kind of took it hard by updating to this damn latest version which killed the N9 sync. Now I went back to the magic but I do not want to...