Forum: Applications
2013-07-24, 11:26
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Forum: Applications
2013-04-02, 10:12
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Re: Stellarium N9 0.3.5
The landscape only determines the graphics you see near the horizon, it is purely cosmetic. There are only a few available and it's a good bet you won't find your city there. I usually select Mars,...
Forum: Applications
2013-02-22, 08:29
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Re: Stellarium N9 0.3.5
Stellarium N9 is now available in OVI store as a paid app. Up-to-date binaries and sources are to remain available free of charge on my website. Both versions are identical.
Forum: Applications
2013-02-14, 08:16
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Re: Stellarium N9 0.3.3
yes 0.3.5 is out. What's new? Some bugfixes, location editing, saving, updating coordinates from device position (GPS). HUD tweaks: transparency, night mode.
I'm trying to submit the app to...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-28, 10:08
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Re: Stellarium N9 0.3.3
ad 1: While it is really easy to add GPS positioning in QML, it has also been somewhat low priority. Location setup in general needs quite some work still. For example, it is not possible to edit and...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-27, 15:58
Replies: 20
Views: 12,190
Stellarium N9 0.3.6
Update 24.7.2013:
0.3.6 is now available; changes:
* honors sky_locale / app_locale settings in ~/.stellarium-n9/config.ini (no GUI yet, it only works for locales supported by the device)
Forum: Applications
2012-12-20, 09:29
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Re: Stellarium
Thanks. If you have Free look on, the battery drain may be due to sensors not shuting down when app is in the background. I'll try to fix this in the upcoming release.
The city list is taken from...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-16, 21:30
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Forum: Applications
2012-12-14, 19:52
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Re: Stellarium
There already is quite some "dampening" and you are quite right, there is a trade-off between lag and smoothness. The raw values reported by sensors are really very raw and all over the place. The...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-14, 13:27
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Re: Stellarium
:) Did that twice already. In the meanwhile you can find some discussion at
Some of the bugs that already got reported: not responding at startup,...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-13, 21:39
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Re: Stellarium
Well aware. Unfortunately, this port lacks any user interface adaptation, it is essentially the desktop version complied for Harmattan, with added GPS positioning. StellariumN9, on the other hand,...
Forum: Applications
2012-12-12, 17:53
Replies: 214
Views: 109,327
Re: Stellarium
I made a working port for Nokia N9, though it is not based on mobile version, it's a port/fork of desktop 0.11.4. I posted the topic yesterday but it seems forum moderation approvals take some time....
Forum: Applications
2012-12-11, 09:47
Replies: 0
Views: 622
Stellarium N9
I recently acquired Nokia N9 and since it lacked a native Stellarium-like planetarium app, I decided to port the awesome Stellarium software and add some features to make a more appealing...