Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2014-04-25, 10:53
Replies: 40
Views: 22,414
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2014-01-12, 10:34
Replies: 2
Views: 1,080
Re: Call keyboard via Gesture or Command?
E17 ( E18) have intergrated virtual keyboard.
Whem you wan't to use native keyboard then maybe some parts of Easy Debian helps you: and...
Forum: SailfishOS
2013-12-05, 13:48
Replies: 2,045
Views: 947,028
Re: Porting Sailfish to N9 (or other)
From Harmattan you can chroot into Nemo. You don't need to worry about network connection and Nemo's root password...
Steps for chrooting into Nemo are covered in piratepad.
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2013-08-31, 06:42
Replies: 101
Views: 33,206
Forum: Nokia N9 / N950
2013-08-17, 20:42
Replies: 101
Views: 33,206
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2013-07-23, 11:52
Replies: 63
Views: 65,164
Re: [Aegis] easy to use aegis-install hack
Btw, you don't need use cat before grep ;).
You could just use grep:
grep "maemo/local" /var/lib/aegis/restok/restok.conf
grep "maemo/local" /var/lib/aegis/refhashlist
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2013-06-16, 10:22
Replies: 266
Views: 113,587
Re: Power Pack for pr1.3 ?
For powerpack uninstallation you need reinstall stock packages from original nokia repo with command: apt-get install --reinstall foo
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2013-06-11, 20:45
Replies: 397
Views: 160,425
Re: More updates coming for N9?
Some info about confpp
~$ dpkg -L confpp
Forum: Alternatives
2013-05-04, 09:31
Replies: 3,323
Views: 1,338,965
Re: Easy Debian Fremantle Beta Testing
Some changes:
And then you need edit your /home/user/.chroot file
Now you start and...
Forum: MeeGo / Harmattan
2013-03-05, 14:52
Replies: 385
Views: 202,452
Re: Nokia & AEGIS open-mode
For removing aegisfs from process list just comment start aegisfs line in /etc/init/group-mce.conf and then reboot your device.
Forum: Alternatives
2013-03-01, 15:32
Replies: 1,392
Views: 536,355
Re: Introducing ubiboot N9 (multiboot OS loader)
Instead of using cp and tar you can only use tar:
tar -xvf ubiboot_fs-01.tar -C /mnt/
Nice work! I Just bricked my device. It shows Nokia logo and then i blackouts. I don't want to reflash my...
Forum: Alternatives
2013-02-17, 18:16
Replies: 3,323
Views: 1,338,965
Re: Easy Debian Fremantle Beta Testing
I tested rzr-rootfs and I edited some lines in qchroot script:
# if the user supplies "none" for the image file,
# skip the qmount step. Thanks for reporting, Fabry!
if [ "$IMGFILE" != "none"...