Showing results 1 to 25 of 34 @ 0.00 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: Mantic
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-07, 09:07
Replies: 2
Views: 1,220
Posted By Mantic
Re: The Display "Sounds" when dimming baclkight...

Now there's a statement that's sure to generate all kinds of helpful suggestions..... You might also want to alter your definition of the 770 - it's not a PDA : )

Don't be afraid though, I've used...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-06, 14:33
Replies: 6
Views: 1,978
Posted By Mantic
Re: Media Streamer crashing/freezing

Aha! I shall try that. Annoying pain in the rear though. I find myself playing the "how many tunes can I listen to before I get that aggravatingly happy BING, indicating that MS has shut down for no...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-06, 14:30
Replies: 10
Views: 2,133
Posted By Mantic
Re: how does the light turn off?

And there was I thinking that they were fed by the constant stream on nibble pibblies (who were in turn attracted by the great mangetics....).
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-06, 12:27
Replies: 10
Views: 2,133
Posted By Mantic
Re: how does the light turn off?

Mangetic switches are similar to Mingetic switches only they don't try to rule the universe.

Now, back to the gnomes - what the heck do they eat? From the sound of this thread, it's someting to do...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-06, 10:51
Replies: 10
Views: 2,133
Posted By Mantic
Re: how does the light turn off?

What about the gnomes?
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-09-06, 07:53
Replies: 6
Views: 1,978
Posted By Mantic
Re: Media Streamer crashing/freezing

I've had the same issue for quite some time. I've got a PC running XP, with 130 gig of music being shared. Until I got my 770, it was shared primarily through my XBOX (not 360) which is connected to...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-14, 09:16
Replies: 4
Views: 2,733
Posted By Mantic
Re: How To Install "MPlayer" & "Media Converter"

You can also install applications using the Application Manager. But I'm sure that you already know this, having read page 38 of the manual...... Also, if you look at the top of this page you will...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-13, 09:00
Replies: 19
Views: 5,360
Posted By Mantic
Re: Nokia 770 BIG trouble!

Excellent suggestion boblinds.

On another note, it amazes me that people create threads with such helpless titles as this one. I mean, come on guys : ) Have the sense to include a title that is at...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-13, 08:52
Replies: 2
Views: 1,257
Posted By Mantic
Re: how do i find apps already on my 770?

You could provide a list for us, might prove to be helpful....

I would guess that a lot of them are libraries required for the apps that you CAN see / access.

Have you configured virtual memory...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-13, 08:47
Replies: 3
Views: 1,792
Posted By Mantic
Re: Best Radio/Media Streamer?

iTab?!?! Sounds cool. Where do I get one? All I've got is a Nok...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-10, 13:38
Replies: 5
Views: 2,024
Posted By Mantic
Re: Considering getting a 770 - Concerns-

Ah! You need the ACME Peanut Bed Table.
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-10, 12:18
Replies: 24
Views: 6,111
Posted By Mantic
Re: i have it!

I haven't got around to the MMC boot yet - just as a partial protection against WSOD is a great idea.

Yup, the learning curve here is very steep. My advice is to take it steady, get used to using...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-10, 09:08
Replies: 5
Views: 2,024
Posted By Mantic
Re: Considering getting a 770 - Concerns-

Bump on that - the battery life is also dependent on the screen brightness. I find that the minimal brightness is fine for reading in bed (in fact with the light off, it's almost too bright).
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-10, 09:05
Replies: 24
Views: 6,111
Posted By Mantic
Re: i have it!

SCUMM installs directly to the Nokia as standard, not to the RS-MMC. If you've got the games, then you'll need to install them to the MMC (not the Nokia, as they don't fit).
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-07, 17:12
Replies: 3
Views: 1,465
Posted By Mantic
Re: How To Install Applications?

You can also install them directly from the Application Manager (though you'll still need to be connected to the compu-global-hyper-mega-net).
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-05, 17:53
Replies: 12
Views: 3,431
Posted By Mantic
Re: Noikia 770 and UPnP Media Servers, do they work?

Yup, I've started using TVersity after boblinds suggested it (cheers m8). It's easy to set up and works very well with Media Streamer on the N770. And it's free.

I tried SimpleCenter first but as...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-05, 17:48
Replies: 9
Views: 3,728
Posted By Mantic
Re: SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced

Thanks for your replies - I'll have another look!

Further scummvm instructions can be found here:

And don't forget to read the manual for the game (like I...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-04, 19:52
Replies: 9
Views: 3,728
Posted By Mantic
SCUMMVM and Gameboy Advanced

Does anyone use either SCUMMVM or the Gameboy Advanced emulator (I forget its name)?

I've installed SCUMMVM and it runs fine but not being able to differentiate between a left and a right mouse...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-04, 14:14
Replies: 12
Views: 2,386
Posted By Mantic
Re: File browsing for n770?

LOL. BT actually tired to convince me that my low broadband speed was due to my firewall and that I should turn it off. Permanently.

Hmmm. I think not on that one : )
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-04, 14:10
Replies: 5
Views: 2,128
Posted By Mantic
Re: Free screen protector for Nokia 770

Personally I've always used screen protectors (after I saw what a 6 year old could do with a Palm in under 2 minutes). Not a pretty sight : )

The plastic I'm using is as clear as it gets and...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-03, 18:05
Replies: 12
Views: 2,386
Posted By Mantic
Re: File browsing for n770?

I suffered the same problem. Expansys didn't reply to a single email I sent either. Still, I'm happy now : ) Glad your beast is working.
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-03, 18:04
Replies: 5
Views: 2,128
Posted By Mantic
Free screen protector for Nokia 770

For those of you who are wealthy enough to afford a 770 but not wealthy enough to buy a screen protector, I offer you my free screen protector instructions.

Take one DVD movie / game case (one...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-03, 14:03
Replies: 18
Views: 3,691
Posted By Mantic
Re: Surprises...

Well if video playback is essential and the other aspects are lesser, the playback on a PSP is hard to beat. I almost went for one but, video playback isn't that important to me. The Nokia does a...
Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-03, 13:07
Replies: 18
Views: 3,691
Posted By Mantic
Re: Surprises...


Forum: Nokia 770 2007-08-03, 13:01
Replies: 18
Views: 3,691
Posted By Mantic
Re: Surprises...

Well I read quite a lot of reviews so no real surprises (good or bad). Not being a Linux user, it can be difficult messing around with the kernel but hey, that's to be expected.

It really is a...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 34

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