Showing results 1 to 25 of 100 @ 0.02 seconds. Search: Posts Made By: kenny
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-10-01, 01:44
Replies: 91
Views: 44,533
Posted By kenny
Re: Data plans for n900

The post that I answered was asking about pre-paid plans.
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-21, 15:17
Replies: 68
Views: 17,933
Posted By kenny
Re: Will the N900 make it?

Nokia's somewhat odd concept of marketing has always been like this.
It's the Nokia way.
Judging from the recently completed Nokia World, I don't see it changing anytime soon.
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-20, 17:05
Replies: 260
Views: 59,484
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 on Amazon USA!

Once again;
The ONLY difference in world regional models of the N900 is the keyboard characters.
The radio frequencies are GSM quad-band so voice and 2G data works everywhere.
The 3G...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-20, 16:17
Replies: 68
Views: 17,933
Posted By kenny
Re: Will the N900 make it?

Nokia is the world's largest manufacturer of cell phones. The vast spread of Nokia's market is almost everywhere except North America. Nokia has never played well with the U.S. carriers and their...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-19, 15:44
Replies: 48
Views: 19,124
Posted By kenny
Re: Video: N900 Startup time and Swipe to unlock

Lately, I haven't had to bother with the techniques you mentioned. My N82 has been restarting on it's own.
Maybe it's a new feature....."Auto-Boot".:rolleyes:
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-18, 21:03
Replies: 66
Views: 16,618
Posted By kenny
Re: "Select markets"?

This subject has been discussed endlessly in several recent threads.
Time to spend some time with Search.
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-18, 13:18
Replies: 68
Views: 17,933
Posted By kenny
Re: Will the N900 make it?

Don't hold your breath.
The American way isn't the Nokia way.
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-18, 04:45
Replies: 2
Views: 7,724
Posted By kenny
Re: Evernote on the n900?

Evernote as a stock program? (Do you call that embedded?)
That's great!

I still get the occasional fear that, considering that its' Linux, and considering that app development is solely up...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 23:41
Replies: 104
Views: 34,201
Posted By kenny
Re: Request for N900 on T-Mobile

Check this thread about England's wireless options.
You guys seem to have many wireless options and some reasonable deals.
It does seem like...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 13:47
Replies: 712
Views: 409,285
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 battery life

I'm guessing here:
3G connected, Joiku Spot transmitting, streaming video with full brightness & max volume, GPS tracking on, accelerometer Step Counter on (you're moving), push notifications &...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 13:24
Replies: 712
Views: 409,285
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 battery life

Wow, a Mugen extended capacity battery combined with a higher cover plate (ala the N810 option) and the N900 will be approaching cubelar dimensions!! :eek:
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 12:00
Replies: 8
Views: 3,089
Posted By kenny
Re: Let's talk about... heat, baby

"Happiness, is a warm phone....."
not the Beatles?
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 11:55
Replies: 104
Views: 34,201
Posted By kenny
Re: Request for N900 on T-Mobile

A recently released phone on Sprint offers both Sprint's CDMA service AND it has an empty GSM SIM card slot. I can't find the model quickly.....
Chinese phones that offer dual SIM cards are...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 00:19
Replies: 22
Views: 5,495
Posted By kenny
Re: Where should Nokia Advertise the N900 and how?

That's odd.....or that's just Nokia.
But, any other announcements of plans? Isn't it being released there? If not, I wonder where the 900mhz band of the 3G radio is intended for? Oz & NZ are...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-17, 00:18
Replies: 712
Views: 409,285
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 battery life

Efficiency of operation like Gen. Antilles described is one of the most important aspects of future smartphone design......affordable battery technology isn't keeping up at all.
I've got extra...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-16, 23:39
Replies: 104
Views: 34,201
Posted By kenny
Re: Request for N900 on T-Mobile

DUN is not included in N900 out of the box. Another thread here says it shouldn't be a problem to install and the Maemo team said they've started working on it.
Many of us are used to tethering...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-16, 17:27
Replies: 260
Views: 59,484
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 on Amazon USA!

DUN is not included in the N900 out-of-the-box. Other thread discussions say that this won't be difficult to implement and that the Maemo team has started work on it.
Forum: Competitors 2009-09-16, 16:48
Replies: 340
Views: 206,198
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 vs Iphone.

I've always thought this to be an interesting point.
Nokia always promoted the N800/810 as a "pocketable" device....("the internet all the time" it says, as the guy in the first N800 promotional...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 22:50
Replies: 474
Views: 168,431
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 Specifications

I heard some people on a tech podcast refer to the iPhone's accelerometer as a gyroscope. Plenty other phones have these too, so.......
I'm running out of research time. Can anyone authoritatively...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 22:32
Replies: 75
Views: 18,311
Posted By kenny
Re: How serious is Nokia about making a dent in the US/Canadian Market?

That is an erroneous statement and also some wild speculation on your part.
With the N900, Nokia included the 1700mhz band for 3G. 1700 is usable only by T-Mobile U.S. (at this time.)
So I would...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 20:37
Replies: 78
Views: 29,712
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 Missing from T-Mobile (US) Roadmap

The confusion concerns whether the N900 will work on both the Euro/Asian 3G networks and the U.S. 2100mhz 3G network.
This has been answered in the thread "3G in U.S. vs Europe/Asia."
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 19:50
Replies: 59
Views: 30,391
Posted By kenny
Re: 3G in U.S. vs Europe/Asia

I just want to interject a huge THANK YOU to both Texaslabrat and SD69 for taking the effort and a lot of time to conduct this discussion. It is very informative and I'm sure that many of the NIT...
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 19:06
Replies: 75
Views: 18,311
Posted By kenny
Re: How serious is Nokia about making a dent in the US/Canadian Market?

Another piece of the story is Nokia's history in America.
Check this quote from Texrat in post #184 of the following thread:
"I've said this...
Forum: Competitors 2009-09-13, 18:48
Replies: 340
Views: 206,198
Posted By kenny
Re: N900 vs Iphone.

Whoa, here we go again.
What "telephony capability" does the iPod Touch have that isn't available in the N8x0?
Forum: Nokia N900 2009-09-13, 17:50
Replies: 75
Views: 18,311
Posted By kenny
Re: How serious is Nokia about making a dent in the US/Canadian Market?

Not true. Check the E71x.
The problem isn't with Nokia, it's the deplorable position and power of the carriers......collusion, MASSIVE amounts of lobbying, the hold-over of the Ma Bell mentality,...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 100

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