AGAIN: why was the qwerty clearly shown in the teaser, if the plan is to release a qwerty-less only device? If Nokia Conversations confirm "Jessie's Girl" and "Jessie's Girl" is the device shown in the ad with a qwerty keyboard, why, oh why is everyone discussing a touchscreen only model as the only choice the consumer will have? Consumers read Nokia Conversations too y'know! Perhaps Koajwujwer123 is telling the truth, perhaps not. Perhaps he/she DOES actually have the "other one" (if they are releasing 2 - even though I don't believe it). If it turns out that the N9/50 on announcement is a qwerty-less device, I'll be dumbfounded. What was the point of showing off the keyboard in the teaser then, one more than one shot? IT JUST DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.