This script requires some serious work to make it ready for the n900. For example, why are you using xterm? It is a NEEDLESS dependancy, use osso-xterm instead (the built in one). Why does it depend on BASH, why not modify it to be compliant with ash? Why does it have to connect to the net to download extra scripts? Why not just combine the two into a local version?
well ye they should at least try it remember noobs start somewere an if this script helps then i dont see why they cany use it ..
Thx for the help :/ srsly, game 7 too many targets :O -edit- well FYI it didn't work when I was connected to "free wi-fi" in a place with probably 300 ppl. Does that mean the router has a firewall blocking something this needs to do? I don't know what exactly it's scanning for. I tried it at home and it works, detects more hosts...