My first "bad" feedback, finally ! :P So, as I posted earlier : i didn't know maemo before this thread existed and I do not own a N900. I just "ported" it according to what I was told. " It is a NEEDLESS dependancy, use osso-xterm instead (the built in one)." Fine ! you just had to say it, it shouldn't be to hard to do ! Could you please send me the part of code that should change accordingly ? (in case it's not just xterm that becomes osso-xterm of course) "Why does it depend on BASH, why not modify it to be compliant with ash?" Cause it was made for bash, duh. What should change for it to be ash compliant ? You input is welcomed ! There is no extra script needed, just a file I use to parse the logs. Think of it as a pseudo-definition file. The only point of this is that it allows me to update it as soon as I find something new, whitout the need for the end-user to check for updates. If you guys don't like it, I can put it back in, without downloads. But since you should use that on network, you should have connectivity. What are 13 fcuking bits anyway? Could be handy for the --parse option, I must admit. But really, I think being connected isn't too much to ask ! If a majority of people don't like it, I'll reverse it back to a grep line ! Thanks for the feedback, that should help improve it ! But just try to cool it on the way you say it. I'm a student in law, doing it for fun, and for free Waiting for your input Don't hesitate to mail me ! Cheers ############## While I agree with unhuman, I agree with that too. Let me clarify : script kiddies should keep the hell away from it. Noobs should devour the source to learn what is going on. As stated in the disclaimer (cf. source), this script is intended for learning purposes (both bash and network security). I believe I wrote the needed comments in it for anyone to understand what's going on !
osso-xterm -e "ash -c 'ettercap -blah -blah -blah';read foo;'"