Got it running on my N900. nice work, thanks. system exscape key doesn't work, cos there is no ESC key. I can remap, but then need to crash out so it does not get saved. Playback of DVB-T (freeview) is very screwed up: No audio Video is extremely jumpy and completely messed up. Getting lots and lots of "waited 100ms for video buffer" messages. To be honest I am really surprised that it just did not crash out, and it may just need some config in the video playback settings. The mythcenter wide theme seems to be a lot more responsive that Terra, hardly surprising as it is a lot lighter. edit 2: with the video palyback profile set to sllim and the N900 overclocked to 850mhz the video playback is almost perfect. still need to sort audio, and remap the exit/back key from ESC to something else.