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Originally Posted by Daneel View Post
I don't see why people have to persuade everyone that this is a device they want and need when they feel the opposite.
Hi, I'm gerbick. I tend to play devil's advocate. This would be one of those times...

I don't like the FM transmitter. Found it a wasted feature. I have a 32gb microSD card filled with music in my car stereo. It's more reliable, less fiddling, and better sounding than a FM transmitter. I have 32gb in Atrix. No music on there. I have 16gb in my HTC HD7s. No music there. I had a 16gb iPhone... no music on there either. I'm just not into having music on my phone - encourages people to touch my phone.

Again... personal preferences. Not saying you're wrong, I'm right or vice versa. I just cannot get behind that as a rallying part around liking or disliking anything. It's a frivolous feature.

Now the hardware keyboard... I could see why folks are rallying behind that. It directly affects the user experience. But to be honest, none of that compares to what will happen once the vendor support is announced - or lack thereof.

A pretty phone is pretty damn useless if there's nothing coming out for it. And I don't mean the open source apps either - those were already coming.

As for the UX not beeing open(not just the UX, core apps too), i am pretty sure since has been mentioned by Quim Gil on more then one occasion.
I've read it too, thought you knew more than I on that. But if that's the case, then let's be honest... this isn't an open phone either. Neither is Android. Neither is iOS. So in that regard, the whole idea of "it's open" needs to be dropped from people mouths and the truth needs to be said... this is a pretty UI on top of a Linux kernel that might/might not be more or less open than its competition.

So with that said, the OP has it more right than wrong... when will there be a geek phone that isn't an OpenMoko?

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