One small step for Nokia, one giant step backwards for maemo kind. [...] Anyway what I really wanted to say/ask was that with the dissapointing hardware of the n9, what about turning an already existing device into a 'geek phone'. A good start might be the SE xperia pro, which my wife has decided she wants. It's got better specs, a hw keyboard. Comes with android. I've been reading about alien dalvik and what it could do for meego, BUT what could it do in reverse? Is that even possible- i.e to put alien dalvik on an android phone, and get it to run maemo/meego stuff, or actually achieve what may be the holy grail of allowing boot of maemo 5 or meego. So instead of using an n900 to dual boot NITdroid or maemo, you could use whatever adroid phone to dual boot adroid or maemo etc. THEN it could be like having a new geek phone available to choose from every few months, every time an adroid hw keyboard device is released. Everyone could potentially have maemo/meego put on it. Does anyone know more info about that possibility?