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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
This the definition of ecosystem seen from the consumer point.
Nokia N9 == Consumer Friendly Phone (step 5 out of 5)

So yeah, I'm looking at it as a consumer. I've already submitted my name to the developer list.

From the point of hardware vendor/service provider, eco$i$tem includes consumers (cows), that use device/service/application (eat plants).
Nokia's cows are starving. Look at the stocks.

The service provider is on top of that food chain.
And yet... Nokia wouldn't want to be at the top of the food chain? How else will they regain share? By making phones that make only developers happy?

Didn't work with the N900. Won't work with the N9.

Keeping the consumers within the eco$i$tem is the ultimate goal.

That is achieved through install-buy-only-through-app-store + introducing the "cloud computing".
Which leads me right back to my last damn question that none of you folks have answered. What ecosystem, content, whatever is in place right now to assist in making the N9 more competitive?

I triple dog dare any of you to answer it with facts and not more snarky nerd drivel.

Snarky nerd drivel isn't meant for whom I'm responding to. But for a commercial/consumer product, you have to shift your focus from what we want to what they, the consumer wants. We can also be satisfied on Maemo 6/Harmattan, but not in WP7 - development on it is a bit... well, it can happen. That's what I'm after and what I stand for. A consumer product needs consumer items to make it consumer friendly. Period.

Last edited by gerbick; 2011-06-24 at 18:03.

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