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Originally Posted by momcilo View Post
My comment was not related to supporting N9 or WF7 strategy. I've wanted to point out following:
1. misuse of original ecosystem word
I thank you for your clarification, I had responded to the idea of what you were saying (I actually fully agree) but at the same time... it seems like misuse of proper words is going on a bit much... it's even at CEO level now.

2. reshaped "ecosystem" word presented to consumers (good, nice thing for consumers)
3. true meaning of eco$i$tem as perceived by big players.
Yep. Sick to see a word misused to make a moot point; but that's what we're stuck with until consumers are more educated.

In either case, this eco$i$tem thing eventually leads to the strict control of: platform, content and consumers themselves.

While I don't like the idea, I agree with you that Nokia is doing it completely wrong way.
I think it's all a setup to make Harmattan fail, honestly. I mean, if they were to really put an effort behind Harmattan, they could have two strategies, Plan A / Plan B and deliver or cross-pollinate their content services and give the consumer, developer, casual user, hardcore user, mom's, grandmom's, kids, et al something to choose all while maintaining options that may make things better for Nokia than this "all their eggs in one basket" strategy.

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