Huh? Are you trolling, or did you genuinely miss his point by such a long way? You seem to forget where the money comes from for all these companies (note: not charities). The money comes from us - the consumers. We pay the wages. We pay the R&D costs. We pay for the shareholders' dividends. We are the market force. It is only because we the consumer enable the closed/money-grubbing model espoused by so many companies that it continues to work for them. Given a choice between paying for relative freedom on the device you own and paying to permit a corporation to store a closed, ad-driven, non-customisable, license-ridden, DRM-infested marketing device in your pocket, are you seriously saying you'd prefer the latter? Your choice... but don't tell us to dumb it down just because you are unable/unwilling to conceive of a world where openness could equate with commercial success and user satisfaction. </rant>