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Originally Posted by volt View Post
I knew very well what I would get, but I would not get a 4 year older model just to get DIN standard, and I most certainly could not afford a newer one with bluetooth. I don't know if you realize it, but for some, getting a car is a question of money, not bluetooth.
And in a very roundabout way... you finally get what I've been saying this entire time. Your personal needs outweighed the one feature that would have been a dealbreaker for some consumers if it were not there. Well... your wallet was a factor too.

So now let's look at phones. Not having a hardware keyboard is not a dealbreaker for me. Not having an IR port is not a dealbreaker for me. Hell, not having a content ecosystem isn't a dealbreaker for me. But what is a dealbreaker... no support and no future.

But look around. People are all over these forums saying that people didn't research, or that they didn't get Feature X and they're up in arms about it. And yet... it's not about what feature is there, it's about what features are you willing to cope without.

So you bought an expensive car without bluetooth. I have a 2008 car that I bought with bluetooth. We just had different goals in our rather expensive purchases.

But we also have different tastes in phones too - which, to me is all that's going on here at a very simple, simple layer.

Just tired of everybody shoving their needs down my throat.

Sorry to have done that earlier with you. It was only to prove a point.

Nice car, btw.

Last edited by gerbick; 2011-06-25 at 02:58.