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Originally Posted by volt View Post
Pretty much all modern cars have dropped the DIN standard so that you are locked in to their lovely little eco system. It's all part of the upsell strategy. If I had a 2004 model, I could put in any 2 DIN car stereo I want.

Want a new stereo? Why, the next model does have one more feature than the last!

How do you change that?
I generally begin with an angle grinder
and finish up using a hacksaw for fiddly bits
and a precision 12000rpm hobby grinder tool to touch up any burs
or make the new holes for mount-points for the replacement stuff

I do this on every computer case I ever owned,
starting back when I abandoned ATX elephant cases
in favor of the much more transportable Matx standard.

I just finished kitting three mini-ITX cases with DCpower supplies
for the new Intel i3 and i5 stuff.
(These are now laptop- formfactor portable PC
with serious horsepower and run linux)

You just need to start - the rest is easy.

You are not locked in, but maybe your brain is.

Set your brain free - buy an angle grinder and get started.
It is terrific fun, especially when you have an audience of spectators
who cringe at the sound of the grinder spooling up
as you approach some aesthetically pleasant but obsolete junk.
Three n900s: One for stable working platform,
One for development testing Chopping Onions
One for saltwater immersion power testing resurrected ! parts scavenging

My Mods for Wonko's Advanced Clock Plugin:
ISO8601 clock mod and Momental_IST clock mod

Printing your Email with the N900