danramos, debernardis... thanks. File Expert is quite nice indeed. Good call on that.
Oops, gosh, I wasn't verbose enough last time.
This is incorrect. Stuck would imply that you're stuck. You're not. The n900 runs underneath a powerful GNU/Linux operating system that offers the user a plethora of options to solve their file storage issues. Thank you and have a nice day.
I don't seem to be able to use Clockwork Mod. I tried to use it to reset my faulty battery metre but it does not do anything when I boot into recovery mode. Any option I select the android man cones up but nothing loads up or happens. I don't know if it is because there is no right Tab option for me in Clockwork. The only options are Tab Verizon, AT&T and t-mobile but my Tab is sim free and Non-US anyway. Tried all three and could not get Clockwork to work on my Tab with any. Or am I missing something?