Thanks Dan. I didn't know because I don't have a SGTab, but I'm considering one. I missed out on the Telstra $299 web-special, and I'm currently divided because I want an ASUS Transformer or a compromise in the middle (like the new SGTab 8.9"). You know why, like I told you, I will put the amplifier under the front-passenger-seat and hook it up to the device which will become the centre-console (not dash) and double up as the GPS receiver. And possibly make a good mobile companion (to my i9000/N900) or home entertainment (competing with my PS3). Here's a picture of my '01 Corolla, it has the best spot for the tablet but only a 7" will fit. I would need to cut into the plastic it if I want a 8.9" in there, should I?
You post a "should I?"-question on a forum that thrives on there-I-fixed-it / warranties-are-for-pu$$ies -approach on life. So, goes without saying, hells to the yes you should cut, chop and mold to fit a square peg in a round hole. Do it.