I take that back! Over this weekend I finally took the plunge (after seeing Heimdall 1.2.0 released with PIF support among other improvements) and now I can finally proclaim that I have, in fact, re-imaged my Samsung Galaxy Tab after first making a full solid nandroid-style image back-up. It's PERFECT and backs up all 10 partitions plus data files. It's still possible to brick, but far far less likely now. Check out the roto-backup method: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=850359 Make sure you have installed a copy of the Android SDK (be sure to install the platform tools and all), a copy of Heimdall (the Linux version worked FLAWLESSLY to detect and work with my Tab--EVERY--TIME! ...no stupid "special" [read: retahded] drivers like in Windows) at the ready and a stock image (depends on which device you have, I've got a Verizon SCH-I800 myself) in case you need to restore everything and remember that you CAN still brick the Galaxy Tab... but now I can feel far more braver doing so. Also--be sure to back-up with Titanium Backup to make life easy in case you try a new ROM out or something. Once you've done all that, head over to that thread I posted above and issue the adb commands to create firmware images of your current system that you can use Heimdall to flash back onto the device in case you REALLY b0rked it up. I hope that helps. If it doesn't, I'm not responsible. Everything I say is utter HACK and it's probably total luck that anything I do manages to work. Fair warning. Also... WHOO! Nice to have BT HID support (BT keyboards and BT mice) FINALLY on my Verizon Galaxy Tab, plus the freedom now to finally go all-out and try out Maemo, Honeycomb, etc. and know that I can re-partition and re-flash back to a saved state with impunity. ...at least, until I've truly f***ed it up for good. heheh