I have basically rewritten the location module (to properly use the liblocatio callback and to support newer gpsd on other devices) so might have made a bug somewhere. I think I had thihappen already with the new version (eq. GPS on in settings but not actually turned online) but I was not yet successfull in reproducing it. Things to try: * try to turn it off and on in modRana settings * starting modrana from CLI and looking at the output * renaming the profile file /opt/modrana/data/options.bin * fiddling with the system level GPS settings I had some packaging issues -> thats why 0.26-2 is out already. BTW modRana does not know its version until it is packaged and a file called version.txt is written to its main folder. Looks like this file was not written for some reason - I'll check it out once I'm back at my main development (and packaging) computer.