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Originally Posted by Strive_Masiwa View Post
Fail for Skype not including more android devices on their latest release with intergrated video calling. 4 devices f which only 1 supports US cell bands (Nexus)?
Maemo has had it for over a year. Miss my N900
Skype has had a long, long record of being stupid about Android. Their first, original, release for Androif was exclusive to Verizon only--and it was crappy, audio only too and wanted to take over the whole damned dialing system. I HATED IT. Then they finally released a general release MoNTHS later--STILL audio only and it was STILL trying to take over the whole system, and was effectively the same version as the Verizon one with what seemed like MORE bugs, if you can believe it. Skype just seems to get worse and WORSE on the Android version. My guess is that maybe they were trying to impress Microsoft for the future purchase by proving how much they didn't like working on Android, or something?

Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Seems like my Tab wants to get smashed on the floor. Everything is giving me problems. Need to reflash it but can't even load Titanium Backup to load so I can back up my apps. It just gets stuck on the start saying checking license. Have installed and reinstalled twice with no difference.

You could try this...

This is a total hack! I take no responsibility since I'm just giving you my best guess as to how to handle your problem. I'm by no means the manufacturer and I can't support you officially (or unofficially for that matter). You do any of this at your own risk. I'm just posting this to maybe help at least give you an idea of the things I've learned along the way with my own Galaxy Tab.

I need to assume you've already installed the Android SDK (and platform applications, so you get adb) on the PC side and enabled USB debugging (menu, settings, Applications, development) on the Tab side and already rooted the Tab.

1) On the PC, with the Tab connected, follow these instructions to make a full image back-up of the whole system:

2) On the Tab side, just make a manual list of which apps you will want to reinstall later. Tap on the Menu button, then tap Settings, Applications, Manage applications. Go down the list (third party should be fine, check "All" if you're a little extra paranoid) and take an inventory of which apps you will want reinstalled from Android Market or from the Amazon Appstore.

3) Go ahead and just reflash the whole thing. You WILL lose everything! WHOOHOO! Be sure to do the reflash before you begin drinking the alcohol which you will surely want to drink while doing all this. Trust me--learn from my mistake: drink LATER.

4) Reflash! (EDIT: Just realized this thread is probably useless to you since the whole thing assumes a Verizon Galaxy Tab.. be sure to look for your appropriate Tab's restoration firmware image..)

5) Now go ahead and get comfy with your newly reflashed Tab. Reinstall all your apps manually (since Titanium wasn't available before) and just make sure you don't run then--just install them and move on to installing the next one.

6) Once you've got your apps re-installed (the ones you took notes on earlier), go ahead and follow the roto restore (mentioned on the same page as the roto backup I pointed to earlier).. but ONLY do this portion:
adb push data.tar.gz /sdcard/data.tar.gz
adb shell su -c "tar -zxvf /sdcard/data.tar.gz"
adb reboot download
What that will do is restore JUST the data from your apps (not the apps themselves, which by this point you should have already reinstalled from the app store) and then reboot the Tab automatically from the adb command line. That will make certain you've got pretty much everything restored clean and restored even your application data.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR

Last edited by danramos; 2011-07-01 at 07:08.

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