Not really. I think I remember reading that there are a few devices with the HARDWARE to do so, but there's no software support for it. Check this article out too: I think the mentality is that most new cars come with bluetooth streaming support, you can install bluetooth streaming support on even the oldest cars with a cheap add-on in the vehicle, and it sounds better and carries far more information than just audio. So, they think... why bother with FM transmitting anymore? Hell, I drive my 1974 VW Beetle around in the bright summer, rocking along to Three Dog Night's Shambala off of a bluetooth speaker setup... I REEEEALLY don't care about FM transmitters (especially since the built-in radio is AM-only anyway... heheh). Anyway, getting back to the point of your question... You CAN get an external FM transmitter for $5 these days, if you really want one. (I have one of those, too.. but haven't used it for years.)