Martin, just an enhancement idea: right now, maps get downloaded when they need to be displayed (if configured likewise). It would be great to increase the rectangle that triggers a download. Today I was driving around and modRana was downloading on-the-go. The link wasn't very good so downloads were not very fast, which made some tiles take some time before downloaded. In this use-case, having the download trigger earlier would cause blue/green tiles never to become visible - ie making sure they are downloaded before they come into view. I admit this does increase download amounts a bit. Maybe this can be optional or only done for the route ahead (if any).
I had this problem especially when I was using in portrait mode and did ~90 turns. When not routing maybe rectangle area or triangle where the forward area is further away and when routing then rectangle follows current route in advance.
I just had a chance to test it with the new features yesterday. I just got a Bluetooth earpiece, and was using that and ModRana's voive directions to navigate. I now have a new request: If there is going to be a long distance before the next direction, coult it say how far away it is? For example, sayin "Drive 5 km, then turn right on Cherry St."
I second this, this would be a very useful add-in, often times I take the highway, where only upon inspecting modRana's map, I see that the next turn is in 100km or so, so having it pronounced would be great. In fact most non-free routing apps do this - say: Take the highway and drive for 100km...
Another enhancement idea: Right now, the location of the current position on the display is selectable (middle or 75% IIRC). For straight roads this works fine, but elsewhere, this could do better. How about a nifty way to locate the current position such that a maximum of the route ahead is shown on the screen? Maybe it could select between 5 positions (center + 75% towards each edge) depending on where the route is going...
On a related note, an option to download all tiles along a freshly computed path would be nice. If I route to an address, good odds I'm going to drive there. And if there's a bad patch of non-coverage along the way, having the tiles pre-downloaded would really be nice. All the parts needed are there... It's effectively a "download along route" for the currently selected route, without the need to save, find, re-load and hit the dozen button combos needed to do it.