[Main] #This is the configuration file for QtLockscreen. #Here you can customize the look of the lockscreen. # #Some notes on settings: # -Fonts: to set a font use a string composed with: # "fontName;fontSize;fontWeight;italic" # If fontName is empty it will be used the default system font. # For italic use 1 to enable it. # For fontWeight use one of the following value: light, normal, demibold, bold, black # Example: # Font=";14;normal;0" # # -Colors: to specify a color use R;G;B;A notation. # Example: # Color="255;255;255;255" # # -Position: you can set different position for portrait and landscape. # PosL is the position in landscape # PosP is the position in portrait # For position you can use the special value: left, center, right, top, bottom # # -Size: : you can set different size for portrait and landscape. # SizeL is the size in landscape # SizeP is the size in portrait #Orientation: auto, landscape, portrait Orientation="portrait" #Path to background image for Portrait (P) and Landscape (L) BackGroundImageP="/etc/hildon/theme/backgrounds/hexagon_p.png" BackGroundImageL="/etc/hildon/theme/backgrounds/hexagon_l.png" #List of widgets. # Name is composed by WidgetType.WidgetName # The WidgetName must be unique. # Please respect the numeric order, don't leave "holes" in the list and set a correct Size. # If you add/remove widget remember to update the Size at the end of the list. # Widgets are drawn using this order: the higher number is the topmost widget Widgets\1\Name="Rect.Rect_Bottom" Widgets\2\Name="DateTime.DateTime" Widgets\3\Name="UnlockButton.UnlockButton" Widgets\4\Name="Notification.MissedCalls" Widgets\5\Name="Notification.UnreadSMS" Widgets\6\Name="Notification.UnreadEmails" Widgets\7\Name="Notification.NewIM" Widgets\Size=7 #Widgets # The [Name] must match the WidgetName defined in the Widgets list [DateTime] Alignment="left" PosL="left;60" PosP="left;80" SizeL="350;250" DateFont=";24;normal;0" DateColor="255;255;255;255" TimeFont=";100;normal;0" TimeColor="255;255;255;255" TimeFormat="hh:mm" DateFormat="dddd yyyy-MM-dd" [Rect_Bottom] SizeL="800;130" PosL="0;340" SizeP="140;140" PosP="center;660" Radius=15 Color="0;0;0;150" [UnlockButton] WaitTimeMsec=300 BackGroundImage="/home/user/.config/sakya/locked128.png" BackGroundImagePressed="/home/user/.config/sakya/lock128.png" PosL="center;350" PosP="center;670" [MissedCalls] Icon="/home/user/.config/sakya/phone.png" PosL="224;250" PosP="left;360" SizeL="160;100" Type="call" Font=";14;normal;0" Color="255;255;255;255" [UnreadSMS] Icon="/home/user/.config/sakya/sms.png" PosL="32;250" PosP="center;360" SizeL="160;100" Type="sms" Font=";14;normal;0" Color="255;255;255;255" [UnreadEmails] Icon="/home/user/.config/sakya/email.png" PosL="416;250" PosP="right;360" SizeL="160;100" Type="email" Font=";14;normal;0" Color="255;255;255;255" [NewIM] Icon="/home/user/.config/sakya/sms.png" PosL="608;250" PosP="center;460" SizeL="160;100" Type="im" Font=";14;normal;0" Color="255;255;255;255"