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Originally Posted by keflex View Post
I get the feeling that Nokia can actually wait until mid-2012, and I base that on the expectation that the company won't be shipping WP phones in volume until 2012. Put simply, they opted for this strategic direction knowing this full well, which means it's likely that they have the financial capacity to do so. Will they continue to lose marketshare? Sure. But marketshare can be rebuilt, and certainly it's easier to do when done on the back of a new headline OS and an accompanying reboot of consumer perception.

But yeah, all we can really do is speculate. I hope that Nokia succeeds because I like both WP7 & Nokia hardware. In a year's time we'll be able to see whether or not this strategy was the right one.
By 2012, they will be 3rd or 4th in the world. Their stock will be still around $5.00 USD. And the losses will be intense. Long term planning better be clearer than it is now. Otherwise, the lost market share will not be able to be reclaimed - nobody will know what's next.

You like WP7? Strange hearing that on these boards.

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