Forgive me if this has been answered in a post buried in some thread, but i did search and didnt come to any conclusion. What i mean is if the N9 will eventually be given desktop functionality like the N900 has. I cant get over the fact that having desktops is very practical in many ways. having widgets for certain functions and information is very valuable, no matter how easy it might be to get to some app to get it. I know the N9 doesnt have desktops, but i was wondering if there are any third party plans (or an already ongoing development) for such thing. Cant help loving the way the N900 deals with desktops and widgets. Tried the android way also and doesnt even hold a candle to it. N900 frees the desktops in such a flexible way that i only have to imagine how i want it to be or what info to show, and not adapt to what it allows. sorry for the long post for such a small (albeit important for me) question. :-)