In a word? No. $1500 is optimistic. $15k is fantasy.
I'm totally baffled why anyone would refuse to give $10 (£6.50).
I am throwing negativity here as well but i AM a realist and as much as i truly love the device the key lies with Nokia so there is the direction you must approach at some point.
Paying some regular programmer, without any ties with Maemo, to do coding job for maemo - not. Such a person wil ldo her/his "work", then leave, without a chance for fixing bugs, enhancing functionality etc. Normal in closed source world, but in Open world, its called "Dead project" Even when we could have sources, someone willing to just earn money and make it as fast as possible, will leave code mess (for example, check how HAM works, and compare it to fapman...)
So I think my vote should be "shifted", cause I would donate much more for keeping our infrastructure alive and happy, but *not* for actual development "goal", to "contract" programmers on it.