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Originally Posted by gazza_d View Post
Re-engineer Maemo base with open components and support for multiple modern devices - DONE - it's called Meego.

Port Maemo UI to upto date OS with support for multiple modern Devices - DONE - It's called Cordia

FACT - Nokia from a tech support and updates pov have long forgotton about maemo.

IMO the N900 and this community have three options to survive and prosper

1. Encourage Devs to carry on with CSSU and developing open replacements to closed components on the N900.

2. Encourage Devs to ensure new versions of apps, both new and updated for harmattan are also available for Maemo on the N900 - N9 and Meego-Harmattan is where the majority of the future dev work is going to be.

3. Develop the N900 port of Meego where it can be a replacement/upgrade from Maemo, and can run harmattan apps with minimal work.
yep. pretty much my thoughts as well.