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Originally Posted by oweng View Post
I am here to be enlightened, can you briefly show me the pros and cons please?
Well firstly, i'm quite confident that nor Prime (Galaxy Nexus it is called now) or RAZR come close to the beauty and hardware finish of the n9. Surely the CPU power is better (but not so much in real life as in numbers) on the android devices but i don't really need a quad core 2GHz processor if my phone is running fast and snappy without it, so that's not a problem for me. Slightly bigger screens on nexus and RAZR can be a pro or a con, that's up to you to decide . In camera department the three devices are roughly said pretty much the same i think. If we look at the OS: Meego Harmattan with swipe really is a breath of fresh air and in combination with the device's design it just seems the perfect package. And let's not forget the multitasking. On the other hand, android as plain OS is nothing special but it has tons of apps, so it can be a big + for you if you're an app guy. I'm not (obviously) as i am using an n900 and am still very happy with it but i think the time has come for an upgrade.

So at the end, there are three things that bother me on the n9, no flash support, (which RAZR and Nexus have, so that's a big + for them), no hardware keyboard (same with other two) and no SD card slot (razr and prime have it, so + for them again) but i'd go for 64gb version anyway so it would help me forget about it i think. I must say I'm not tempted by the razr or nexus at all but i just might be with Samsung Galaxy Note as it could provide something new with that large screen and stylus.

Last edited by olympus; 2011-10-26 at 16:21.