Hello there, I don't know if that's right or wrong to do, Sometime ago, I've read a book about this game engine ( Cocos2d ) http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/ and as am very new to programming and games, My start was with Qt, and then Managed to jump to objective-c also, and started using that game engine! Now what am trying to do is to port that game engine itself, but I see that there's not too many people who cares, I'm not that expert to do it, so I've created some class based on the QGraphicsView which makes it really similar to Cocos2d way, am trying to make the GAP narrower and narrower, either creating it based on QGraphicsView, or porting Cocos2d itself later. For now, I posted all the code and test files in here https://projects.developer.nokia.com...wiki/WikiStart I hope people can help me by looking at it, improve in it, let me know my mistakes ( As am new ! ) Also, I'd love if you guys can check out my game, just search Kout on the store, here it is on youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul5--c2T8qk the one on Nokia store is newer, and am working on bringing the new version very soon this is screen shot, Supports English and Arabic Uploaded with ImageShack.us Uploaded with ImageShack.us The lines on left and right of the image above are constantly moving up and down! Please answer the poll Thank you, I hope some people can help me in this project, so we all benifit!