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Originally Posted by bingomion View Post
dont waste your time, there are soo many bills in the US that need blocking LOL
National Defense Authorization Act
FDA versus everything natural
illegal wars
tsa and their nice body scanners

etc etc

looks like ron p is the only one making half sense!
help him and he might fix it
When I met Michael Badnarik and his supporters back
as he was stumping to run I was also deluded
that there was still hope.

Michael, like Ron Paul (and many others) so consistently says,
held that we did not need more new laws as much as we simply
needed to abide by the Constitution.

It was as I discussed this with Badnarik that
I began to realize that every law chips away at freedom.
and that utlimately there is no solution
in the Babel Towers of legislation that people yearn to
impose on others and, in lip service only, on themselves.

The problem I began to see clearly was that the population mass
has a vector that is programmed into virtually everyone stateside:
'Every problem has a legislative solution' - this is
a mental algorithm which can only lead to catastrophic complexity.

I left the U.S. in deep depression at what I witnessed thereafter

I do wish you well in your hopes,
but the reality is that you are prisoners now of a groupthink
mentality that cannot be altered in its current course.
The mathematics of social physics ensure that inevitability.

Isaac Asimov clearly illustrated this problem
in his epic Foundation trilogy.

Furthermore, Asimov's ideas about the Three Laws of Robotics
illustrate the issue of how almost no one can resist the
temptation to 'fix things' by simply adding yet another law.

And that is how I came to understand that
in this universe there exists only one law.

/soapbox off

now back to cracking that Gentoo install
on that poulsbo-addled tablet I bought
before I fell in love with the n900
Three n900s: One for stable working platform,
One for development testing Chopping Onions
One for saltwater immersion power testing resurrected ! parts scavenging

My Mods for Wonko's Advanced Clock Plugin:
ISO8601 clock mod and Momental_IST clock mod

Printing your Email with the N900

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