What you have heard is FUD. I first started seeing this repeated as an excuse by WP7 users as a reason why they don't need faster processors or dual cores. They often shout about how these things are useless. It's sour grapes/cognitive dissonance. It's FUD, one person hears it then repeats it. Little do these WP7 users know that their OS is lmited to a WVGA resolution for a reason, by policy, and that soon they will get their dual core faster processors, at which point I'm sure they will all change their tune. Android is just the OS where the phone is not limited, where the newer technology exists, the higher resolutions exist, Flash exists, it is just currently the OS doing more and therefore needing more. If you want actual information about how Android allocates resources look here: https://plus.google.com/105051985738...ts/2FXDCz8x93s As for newer faster processors being less efficient because of clock speed, again, not as easy as that since they do not operate at a single constant clock speed for all tasks and if that wasn't complicated enough you also have to consider time. For example, is a process that takes 5 seconds to complete at a lower clock before going idle more efficient than spending 2 seconds at a higher clock before going idle. I recently read a paper which said performing quick bursts and becoming idle quicker is actually more efficient but I can't find a link. Merry Christmas everyone.