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Posts: 183 | Thanked: 35 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have my lovely device over 2 years now, also using Galaxy S2 but i want to keep using my n900 I noticed this problem since a while, that i cannot have portrait during my call, and the oriantation just never works any more ! I just re-flashed my phone with Vanela and FISCo , still no help ! I am using Titan Kernal for over clocking just for extra info....

Also strangely i have totally lost my on screen keyboard too ! so i have nothing to type unless i use the hardware.

Are these both problems related ? (I did drop my phone once to an extend that i had to de-assemble and re-connect the cable that runs through the lcd and mother board)

Hope this is not a physical damage !

Happy New Year Every one !