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Originally Posted by TheAnonJoe View Post
Off topic:
In my opinion the actions of Paikkatietoikkuna against us are completely ridiculous. We are private people using their service they have made freely available on the Internet. Mapsi is just a different front-end for using their service. They should think of it as a special kind of web browser. Yes, it might cache some data from their site, but so could a standard web browser. How are they going to prevent that? They also say that printing of a limited number of maps for private use is allowed. Why we can't store a limited number of maps digitally then? How is it different from printing media?

They can keep on building fences on our way and we'll just keep on jumping over them. What takes them money and days to implement, takes us a couple of hours to circumvent. So instead of harassing private people they should focus on companies profiting from their freely available service.

On topic:
Here's a wms_settings.ini and a simple python based url parser for the N9. The url parser extracts the current wms urls from and writes them to wms_settings.ini. Just execute the python script every time, when has changed "key values" in the wms urls.

1. Download:
2. Extract zip to /home/user/MyDocs/.mapsi
3. Execute the python script in the terminal: "python"
4. Enjoy Mapsi

I certainly hope this madness ends in May...

Edit: Here's a wms_settings.ini with currently working wms urls for people who don't have an N9 or don't want to use the script:
Kokeilin tätä windows versiossa 2.6.0. Se ilmoittaa kyllä, että url on päivitetty, mutta kun siirrän tämän vms_setting.ini tiedoston mapsii ei se kuitenkaan toimi. Jäiköhän multa joku python rivi editoimatta - editoin vain ini-tiedoston osoitteen.