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Originally Posted by bmstrong View Post

[...] every company, even Nokia and Nokia of old or new, is only after a profit. Everything else is secondary but that also doen't mean things are black and white. I teld to view them as grey.
how gray is Maemo (or MeeGo / Harmattan, for that matter)?
Maemo NEVER was about profit.
it always has been & still is about... disruptive technologies
thus... white?

Flop, profit?
on which planet are you living?
just because the NOKIA stocks went up a hint upon release of the "more then 1 million Lumia devices sold" scoop doesn't mean it is profitable.
the only company "profiting" from LostDOS so far is m@ke$$h!t.
& the users eating that whole day long?!? don't get me started on that
and last time i read about it, LostDOS Paralyzed was a hopeless loss, by Bllamer's own admittance
maybe, maybe... this is because of the users' poor experience with LostDOS (updates, viruses and other malware, price policy. and who knows, maybe m$'s anti-competitive behavior start to "educate" ppl some?)

rotten iPotatos?
When asked what market research went into the company’s elegant product designs, Steve Jobs had a standard answer: none. “It’s not the consumers’ job to know what they want,” he would add.
any questions?

& tired reading about how LD.P. is NOKIA's future, that they abandoned Symbian and Maemo...
Symbian's path (Carla, Donna) is clearly defined @ least 'til 2013 (> 1GHz, dual-core) & there is no reason there shouldn't be more coming
someone else already mentioned PR1.3 for Harmattan in the works & PR1.4 "planed".
LD.(P.)? sure, lots of marketing, the future... of what, exactly?
PCs? dead end
servers? that's definitely a field where Linux/GNU is ridding in heavily
mobile phones? doesn't look like it; in fact, LD.P. has even less market share then LD.imMobilized had in the last couple years... how's that for a future?
tablets? sure, not even ANDRoid can make even a dent in iPad's domination, why should m@ke$$h!t?

so, to the OP's question;
Lumia, obviously, no
N9? well, even though in a country where the N9 is not officially distributed, all the (even not so) major providers have all the models to be ordered with contract;
if there is no news of the N10 (or N960?) 'til end of the year, i may actually spend a couple hundred bucks to get one (64GB) with my contract renewal.
anyone heard anything from Koajwujwer123 lately?

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