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Originally Posted by GrimyHR View Post
are you stupid or you dont know how to read or are you simply ignoring what i wrote? you are mixing market share and sale numbers yet again...lets say nokias market share was 100% and they sold 1 million devices quarterly and then android and ios came and nokias share went down to 30% share with symbian but sold 2 million devices quarterly, which one is better? the second situation is better and that is where nokia was when the decided to kill symbian, they were selling more devices than ever just on a much larger market, BUT THEIR SALES WERE GOING UP AND NOT DOW AND THAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING, SYMBIAN WAS GROWING!
Thanks for calling me stupid. It really validates your point.

I guess you overlooked the statement I made about how Symbian was a big seller for Nokia until Elop made that announcement distancing Nokia from Symbian.

So let's recap, in smaller words. Symbian was selling great. Along came Elop. He stated that Nokia was going away from Symbian. Sales started slipping on Symbian. WP7 isn't selling great - 1 million or so phones tops so far for Nokia; more for Symbian even on their decline. Nokia's share is lesser now than ever. And their valuation - be it stock or otherwise - is lower now too.

Sales might have been going up, but not after Elop's comments. Added on top of the loss of sales due to competition, that's not a good formula for Nokia. Worse, WP7 isn't gathering the attention of even Harmattan right now.

And in the future, keep the conversation civil and adult. I know it's hard to do, but it makes for a better community.

Take care.